Why reinvent the wheel

My lower back has been really problematic for the last several months.  The consistent problems started when my left knee was screwed up due to parking garage running.  Well yesterday at the gym I did lower body and noticed no specific moment where I reinjured myself but I definitely did something.  The rest of the day and all of last night my back was just awful, I can’t bend at the waist at all currently.  In retrospect I assume the leg press machine was the culprit.

So I figured instead of coming up with new stuff to say about American politics I would include some commentary I have been making on Facebook recently.  Generally speaking I avoid political posts on FB as I have learned a long time ago they typically serve no real purpose.  People that share your political feelings will “atta boy” you and those that don’t will castrate you.  No real opinions are normally changed.

However with the most important election of my lifetime now on our doorstep I have dipped my toe into a few discussions which I will include here.

One of my friends posted a link to this article that talks about the psychological factors that turn someone that you may normally like and respect into a Trump supporter.  I found the article pretty fascinating and shared it on my feed.

One of my ex-running club associates who is sadly a Trump voter questioned the article and one of the questions he asked was what determines a Biden supporter.  My response was below.

There is duplicity for sure on that list regardless of the political party you support. The simplest way I describe a Biden supporter is someone more concerned with the greater good. In my own sphere, it may benefit me more financially for things to remain status quo. However I care about the environment, health care, science, and supporting men that have morals that I at least would not be embarrassed for children to emulate.

There was no further response.

This same person started his own thread about the election where he tried to justify why he supports Trump.  One of the reasons he gave was the familiar, Democrats want to spend money we don’t have to give everyone free stuff, line.  My response there was:

You do realize the federal budget deficit has smashed all prior records over the last 3 years? Governments spend excessively, it’s a matter of if that spending is for the greater good or for the narrowest of narrow elite subsets of American society. The disinformation and distraction used in modern US politics is staggering and carefully executed so the masses are too busy fighting each other to focus on the bought and paid for politicians that do their dirty work for them, happily.

Finally, this morning I posted a picture of this insanely ignorant sign that was posted in the Naples area, only a couple miles away from my work.  In the newspaper article the sign owner proudly boasted how he paid $750 to have this sign created.  There was no extensive additional commentary needed by me to accompany the picture of the sign.  It said all you need to know about the corrosive, hateful, and raging ignorance that has been incubated by our current president.  Even if the election does go Biden’s way, can you imagine the reaction from the MAGA hat wearing mob in a post-Trump world?  The backlash will be staggering.