A new direction or into a wall?

So the day we have been waiting for has finally arrived.  I recall after the shocking and sobering election result in 2016 I tried to have an open mind and expressed some degree of hope that Trump would not be as awful as the lead up to the election revealed him to be.  I clung to a faint idea that maybe he would actually be grounded by the massive responsibility that was being entrusted to his care.  I thought perhaps this reality would sink in and he would at least try to act like a President.  Instead Don decided to double down on his super power, feasting on the ignorance of others.  Every single day since he stepped foot in the White House there has been something he said/did or tweeted that was an embarrassment to the office of the president.  That is sadly not an exaggeration.

I remember growing up and being taught about world history.  I recall hearing about the stories of Nazi Germany and saw the video of a man that by the outside world was seen as nothing but pure evil yet to his supporters, he was a deity that they chanted madly and blindly for at every opportunity.  I recall wondering just how human beings could support such a man but felt comfort that it was long ago and society had progressed to the point where this sort of extremism was no longer possible and certainly never in America.  Well these last four years have smashed that theory into a million tiny pieces.

The embracing of racism, greed, environmental sabotage, fear mongering, stupidity and infinite lying over the last four years has been sad and disgusting.  I see people that I interact with routinely fall into the net of the false prophet, which angers and frustrates me time and time again.  The amount of hypocrisy on display in our world is staggering.  Somehow it has now become cool to call people losers.  The way to handle facts is to redirect the narrative.  The way to hide the truth is to try to disparage those that are reporting it.  It’s a full blown circus in Washington DC and needs to end.

We can only hope today we wake up to a brand new day in America, a world where the President doesn’t get aroused from seeing his name on every media outlet day in and day out.  I fear that even if the outcome of the election is favorable, the damage inflicted upon this country by Donald Trump will be a long lasting wound that will not heal anytime soon.  His zealots will never accept any reality that doesn’t include his visage at the head of it.  The rest of the world is right there with us, hoping America wakes up from this awful spell it has been under.  Well the rest of the world outside of Putin of course.  He loves a good American shit show.  If you haven’t already done so, please vote.