Another Covid story, No Joy in Mudville

Last night after work I met up with the guy I contacted about trimming my trees several weeks ago.  The reason there has been such lag in getting him to the house is he contracted covid.  He had no idea how he got it and he said when he first tested positive he was not feeling all that bad.  However a few days later it hit him like a truck.  He is an ex-smoker which made things worse.  He was in the hospital for a total of three days.  He said it was the worst he had ever felt in his life, a description I have heard echoed from several people I know that have had Covid 19.  He seemed like a good guy and said he thinks he can get the work done next Wednesday.  I’m not having him trim the trees that I can still easily do myself, I’m not that lazy.  Getting him involved will cut the job from an all day affair with multiple very dangerous moments to a couple hours that should be very easy in comparison.

So like most of America Cindy and I watched election coverage for a good chunk of the night.  When we went to bed there was still a lot of uncertainty although it did seem pretty clear that Trump was going to win Florida, again.  When I got up this morning I saw this was indeed the case.  When I discovered that he actually won Florida by a wider margin than he did in 2016 it made me sick to my stomach.  Sure, in 2016 some people thought they would take a flyer on Trump, with it being more of a vote against Hilary than anything else.  But after witnessing the events of the last four years, to see that support in the state bolstered instead of eroded is beyond logical explanation for someone like me that assumes that bad behavior is supposed to have consequences.

So as I looked at the tallies for the states that have not been called yet, which I see as seven right now, Biden is ahead in three and Trump is ahead in four. The margin in most of those states is very close. Ever since 2000 when Bush was elected I have been disappointed repeatedly when the election results are tight so my gut reaction is to assume the pain train is on it’s way again.

My home state of PA is going to be key.  The state has taken the mantle from Florida as being the most inept when it comes to the voting process.  Thanks to illogical rules that don’t allow them to start counting mail in ballots until the polls close, 25% of the states votes are yet to be tallied.  However the current numbers give Trump a big lead in the state.  The fact that the election is even close is damning enough of American society.  It’s a clear indication that a huge portion of the population adore being lied to.  As long as it is what they want to hear, they just don’t care if it’s the truth or not.  Joseph Stalin would be proud.  I’ll continue to assume the worst about the election results and be happy to call myself an eternal pessimist if I am proven to be wrong.