Back from the dead

It’s amazing what a difference 24 hours can make.  Yesterday I was feeling very angry, frustrated and defeated about the presidential election.  The idea that Florida went harder for Trump, courtesy of non-stop radio ads in spanish making Cubans think Biden was the next coming of Castro, made me feel very pessimistic about how the rest of the outstanding swing states would go.  Trump was ahead in almost all of them and based on how Florida accelerated towards Trump as more votes were counted made me feel like all hope was lost.  However, the reverse has happened.

What I hadn’t really thought about was how Florida handled the mail in vote logistically compared to the rest of the swing states.  Florida for once is proactive and allows mail in ballots to be tabulated before election day.  This meant that the results were front loaded with mail in votes that had already been tabulated, the majority of which are democratic.  This is why the numbers slipped for Biden in Florida as the day of voters were more in the Trump camp.

However in other states the rules restrict mail in votes from being counted until election day and in dumb PA’s case, not until the polls close.  The end result of this has been the walk up vote, which was more Trump based got counted first and what we now have been seeing is the tabulation of all of the mail in votes which have been trending much more heavily towards Biden. When the day started yesterday Biden was getting crushed by 12 points in PA.  By the time I went to bed it was down to a couple point deficit with over 10% of the vote yet to be counted.

I won’t recap all of the scenarios for you as there are millions of other places doing that already but the cliff notes version is Biden should actually win this election when it is all said and done.  If he manages to take PA it would be sweet as the margin of victory would be better but even if he just gets Arizona and Nevada he can seal the deal.  I bet Trump regrets talking so much shit about John McCain now. Hell Biden could even grab Georgia, which would be a huge upset.

The path to closure on this is going to be a long one.  Trump is already trying to get lawyers involved to challenge the close races but I am confident it is all just dog and pony show to support his fabricated narrative of the election being rigged.  I think the most telling thing was President Big League was almost silent all day yesterday which was a wonderful preview of what life without a cartoon character as President could be in a couple months.  If Trump’s defeat does indeed come to be, it will be difficult for me to hide the joy I will feel to have the self proclaimed greatest President since Lincoln get booted out after one term, something that has not happened in nearly 30 years.  Adios to the extremely stable genius.