I like three, TV Preacher

I took Monday off to give myself a three day weekend.  It was initiated because Dan, who also visited us last year is coming down on Sunday.  We plan to do another joint EUC ride, this time into the swamp.  I figured extending my weekend through Monday would help balance things out.  With the cold front and less rain weekly grass maintenance should not be required for a few months which is always nice.  I am looking forward to getting out on the Sherman for some extended ride time as well.  It feels like I have so many little things that I would like to have time to do recreationally that I just don’t manage to pull off.

The news is reporting that Donald Trump has raised an obscene amount of money since the election as part of his “Election Defense Fund”.  The number they were throwing around was something like 200 million dollars was scammed from Trump lovers that gobbled up the bullshit that was being fed to them.  The same article said if you count the money that came in in late October the total dollar amount approaches a half BILLION dollars.

This fleecing of individuals financially to this degree is something you normally would associate with TV preacher congregations who much like Trump speak loudly to gain influence, regardless of the amount of truth in their words.  I can hardly wait until the state of New York district attorney gets his opportunity to prosecute Big Don on his numerous criminal acts the day after inauguration.  Never in my lifetime have I felt like an individual was more deserving of any and all retribution against them than Mr Big League.  I can only hope it happens.