Nice curves, How To, The Last of the Worst

Yesterday I had one of those dream days for solar production.  The entire day was bright and sunny resulting in the big output curve graph you see to the left.  This type of production happens a lot for the next 3-4 months so hopefully we can start digging into the overall power deficit that exists so far.

Last night I shot a quick video based on a suggestion from a 3D store customer.  They suggested that I demonstrate how the stands should be assembled, something I took for granted because it honestly is pretty simple.  However I decided it couldn’t hurt and put together this roughly 8 minute how to.

I heard Trump already has vacated the White House, abandoning the presidency and the tradition that existed since 1869 where the outgoing president participated in the inauguration ceremony of the incoming president as part of the smooth and peaceful transition of power.  As ridiculous and appropriately childish Trump’s decision to take his ball and go home is, in the big picture it’s better not having him there.  It’s one less reminder of the utter insanity he has cultivated the last four years among his indoctrinated following that somehow have been programmed to abandon common decency, values, and respect in exchange for blindly following every ridiculous work out of president Big League’s mouth.

Like everyone that doesn’t have a MAGA hat in their closet, I am hoping the inauguration takes place without another round of violence.  It appears more appropriate precautions are being taken this time.  Tomorrow will finally be a bright new day without an orange spray tanned buffoon making policy decisions based on what feeds his ravenous ego while benefiting the rich and powerful that kiss the ring.

Goodbye Donald Trump.  Your four years in office made racism rise again, greed good again, and ignorance in vogue.  We never had a president like you and hopefully we never will again.