Keeping busy

Yesterday I did a pretty good job of keeping my mind busy so I wouldn’t dwell on the demise of Cupcake which makes me feel miserable nearly instantly.  I think about things I could have done better to protect her like making sure she had more egg/oyster shell in her diet to make her egg shells stronger so it wouldn’t have broken, or how I should have spotted the problem sooner so the infection could have been handled. Of course it is a train of thought that leads to nowhere positive.

Next week I will have no issue keeping busy as we are closing down a branch which is going to require me to be on the go for a good portion of the week.  Much like when we open a location, closing a location requires a lot of coordination and effort.

The bad news is after enjoying a number of extended weekends in a row I only have a “standard” two day variety this week.  The good news is I still have three more days of vaca to use up before August 16th which I plan to do as soon as we get through next weeks craziness.