Adding a look back, Unhealthy, What I wanted, Regular

I am going to try to remember to include a link in each post for the post from one year ago (if there is one), it is interesting to see what was going on a scant 365 days prior. Here is last years post.

Yesterday I had my meeting with my health advocate, a required step to qualify for our insurance. She went over my blood test results and said all of the numbers were very good, the only exception being my A1C number had just ticked into the cautionary zone. Last year it was 5.6, this year it was 5.7, a minuscule change. However this one tenth increase now triggered a remedial action where I need to complete some sort of class regarding healthy living. I joked to the woman that I could teach the class.

She asked what my diet was like. I told her I am a pescatarian and generally eat well, although I do definitely have a sweet tooth. She also asked if I have been dealing with a lot of stress lately. I laughed and told her that most of 2023 was a stressful period in my personal life. Some of the classes that qualify for this education I am already doing like going to the fitness center as well as yoga. I walked out of there shaking my head.

I also need to schedule a physical to complete the requirements. The last time I did one a “borderline” EKG sent me down a rabbit hole of testing with a cardiologist that revealed nothing. I will not do that song and dance again.

So last night was my first VB session with the Thursday night group. It was fun and I got exactly what I wanted, higher level play. There were a couple people from the other group there but there were also a number of people that had solid all around skills. The end result was a ton of long back and forth points that had me worn out by the end. Everyone was friendly and I enjoyed playing. I played pretty well overall. One of the guys on my team was not only in IT but also an actor. He has appeared in a number of Netflix series. I found this fascinating.

After I left I decided I wanted to treat myself to dinner. I stopped at Brunina’s which is near my house. I am now enough of a regular that Megan the bartender knows my name, my beer and my typical meal. I never have to ask for another beer with her. As soon as she sees I am low she delivers another one. I like the personal touch I get when I am there, similar to what Helen at Carrabas does for me on a Friday or Saturday night.

This weekend I have a few small projects I would like to complete. None of them on their own should take more than 20 minutes. I also need to get the Lynx out to the swamp to do a test ride as well as do a top speed drag test. On the fun side I have pickleball scheduled for tonight as well as Sunday morning as well as having an arm wrestling PPV event on Saturday to check out. I am slowly but surely inching my way back to what normal should feel/look like.