Beyond smoky, Matt, Erased

Last night for dinner I prepared a Beyond burger. I bought a pack of them during my last Costco run. They are a plant based burger that does an impressive job of replicating the real thing. I prepared it in a pan, a pan that I evidently had a little too hot. The end result was my filling the house with a smoky haze for a short while. The burger still tasted good anyway.

During the day yesterday my buddy Matt borrowed my car ramps for a repair project he had. Last night he brought them back and did so with a big oversized beer in hand. It was the size of a wine bottle. We opened it up and split it between us.

We hung out for awhile and caught up with each other’s lives. I had last seen Matt in August some time before the recent three months of upheaval that my life entered after that. He was happy to see that I have emerged from the other side of that intact and sane. He hung until after 9:30. It was good to see him.

I finished up Echo last night. Thankfully it’s only a 5 episode series. No it did not get better as time went on.

I had a weird situation recently where subtracting felt like addition. Sometimes erasing something enables you to bring other things into your field of view. It felt good.

Last year’s post involves the thought process prior to my making the blog private. Although there were various things talked about in there, the impetus was yet another act of appeasement for someone that clearly did not deserve the time, energy or attention. Live and learn.