Raw, Cut and Frozen,Veins

Last night was productive, at least mildly so. I got a new stand finished up which was immediately sold. A guy asked for a custom color combo. I also got the demo Veteran Lynx boxed back up and labeled to be shipped off to it’s new tester in Gainesville. Finally I did some more work on the Prusa printer that is set up in my garage. I haven’t had any luck selling it so I think I am just going to wind up giving it to Christine’s son. I have a couple tweaks to do before letting it go.

Last night I made preseasoned salmon that I get from Costco along with reheating some mac n cheese I made Sunday night. I made the salmon in the oven. It recommended you put it in the oven 25-30 minutes. I set the timer to 27 minutes. After plating it up I started eating. I noticed it was harder to break apart than normal. When I looked closer that was because the fish was not cooked thoroughly, almost looking raw in the middle. I wound up just eating small sections of either side of the filet that were mostly cooked and feasted primarily on the mac n cheese, oh well.

This morning I had my dermatologist appointment. I had canceled and postponed it at least three times as I didn’t feel like going. I got a clean check up although I did ask him to look at a wart that has been on my left wrist for months. I have been trying to treat it with Compound W but it’s very stubborn. The dermatologist took a scalpel to it to cut off the top layer and then hit it with freezing spray to hopefully kill the wart cells which are actually a virus. In addition they are hooking me up with the equivalent of compound W on steroids if it comes back.

While I was there I got information about a vein specialist that the office has. My lower right leg has nasty varicose veins which I would love to get fixed. Back in my early 30’s I actually had vein ligation done on the left leg for varicose veins, I should have had them do the right while they were at it. Basically what they did was make 3 or 4 small incisions on the leg and pull the veins out like spaghetti. You would think that veins are there for a reason but evidently the body will adapt to the missing veins and get the blood where it needs to go, somehow. I have the initial consult in two weeks. It will be interesting to see what the advice is at this point, some 20+ years later. I am sure the technology has changed as well so there might be better ways to address it.

Last year I was complaining about a lack of sleep that was similar to reasons I have had issues sleeping for a good portion of the last year, imagine that. If I only knew then what I know now, I could have saved myself so much time, energy, and effort.