Keep me clean, The taxes

When I set up my Shark robot on Sunday I configured it to run on a schedule, every weekday at 1PM. Yesterday was the first automated run. I was pleased to walk into the house after work to freshly vacuumed floors with the robot parked in it’s station as planned. When I opened the app I could see exactly what the bot did and how long it took. So far I am quite happy with the purchase.

I already disconnected two of the three older vacuums I had and threw them in the garage. The only one that remains could find it’s way out there shortly if this initial week of test cleans go as planned. I finished up the initial video on the Shark last night as well.

So I believe I now have all of the tax documents I need to file my 2023 taxes. This is going to be the first year where I am going to really lean hard on my accountant to help me out. Because of the capital gains on my home sale last year I have the potential for a substantial tax liability. You are allowed to shelter the first 250K of gains if you are single. I have a lot more than that.

The good news is that you can deduct all of the improvements you did to the property you sold to reduce that capital gains exposure. I spent a ton on property improvements in the roughly 23 years I lived there. What I am concerned about is just how much documentation is required to claim these expenses. I have been nervous about what my total exposure would be ever since I completed the sale last year. Soon I will have some tangible numbers. I am nervous but eager to get this financial hit out of the way so I can focus on whats next.

Last year my blog post was about the mental shift that I had to embrace where I placed less sentimental significance on things as those feelings were roadblocks in what had to be done. That willingness to let things go is a trait that has only been reinforced a year later. Now if I could only get a few other traits of mine tweaked it will better serve me going forward.