Double boxing, In bags

Last night my major task I wanted to accomplish was getting the ET Max and a spare S22 motor boxed up and ready to ship out. The ET Max is a very heavy wheel so getting it back in the box was a bit of a challenge. I eventually muscled it in there and used half a roll of packing tape to make sure it was sealed up tight. The motor, which is going to my buddy in NYC was already in the box so it was much simpler to manage. I decided to live stream the process, for no significant reason.

I neglected to mention in my weekend recap that I did bag up a bunch of clothes that were nice but carried negative feelings with them so I never wore them. They nearly filled a kitchen trash bag which was later dropped off at Goodwill where they can hopefully get some use. I have gone through repeated purge and cleanse sessions over the last few months. I think I am finally reaching the bottom of the barrel although there will always be visual reminders that can’t be avoided.

Today I had my 6 month dentist visit. For the second visit in a row they said I have been showing more swelling in my gums than normal. My dental hygiene routine has been the same for a long time so I’m not sure why this has become an issue. Like most other things, I will attribute it to the wonders of old age.