Bathroom boom box, Almost 3, Double header

The other day I had a deal pop up on Woot for one of the original Amazon Echo devices. I actually had this same model in black and wound up giving it to Christine. I like it because it has a very good speaker in it and has a cool analog volume control where the top of it rotates. It was only $30. I bought it without being sure where exactly I was going to put it.

After some brief pondering I came up with a spot, the master bathroom. I like listening to music while getting ready for work or for bed. The Echo I have in the bedroom can’t be heard very well in the bathroom so this sounded like a good fit. An unintended added bonus was the silver finish matches the brushed nickel fixtures in the master bath. I immediately put the speaker to use last night, it was great having music accompany my shower. Since I have become single once again I listen to music more than I have at any time during my adult life, for whatever reason.

Last night I jumped into WoW for the first time in quite awhile with a half hearted hope to be able to get more of my characters leveled up. In the roughly 90 minutes I played I gained almost three levels on my Unholy Death Knight. I enjoy playing when I get around to do it but it is going to be very tough for me to find the motivation to get all 11 or 12 of my personal army up to max level.

Today is going to be a pickleball double header. I am playing at lunch with my normal crew and then this evening I will be playing with the people I met at the salsa class. We are playing at the courts at a development one of the women lives in. I am looking forward to it and hope it opens more doors into a larger circle of friends.

Last year I was finally approaching the end of my cabinet/counter project in the kitchen and master bathroom as well as knocking out a number of other home improvement purchases and tasks.