One less step at a time, Vampires, Lucky

The decline I have been seeing in Kathy is following an all too familiar path.  A few days ago she did not make it all the way up onto the perch, stopping 2 or 3 rungs short on the ladder.  I picked her up and placed her in her normal spot. Last night I went in there to put her to bed and she was on the floor, she didn’t even try to get up on the perch.  I again picked her up and placed her where she normally likes to sleep.  This morning I came out and she was on the floor by the door, evidently she fell off the perch overnight.  I will probably need to start putting her in a nesting box for her safety.  It’s difficult seeing her getting so weak as she has always been the queen of the flock for so many years.  I just keep trying to spoil her the best I can.  She still gets excited by the handful of blueberries I give her twice a day.

I had more blood drawn this morning to rerun the PSA and CEA tests.  As I mentioned yesterday I already have my game plan established in my mind even if they say the numbers are the same, call me in 6 months and we will retest/reevaluate then.

This weekend I am going to be dog sitting Lucky, my buddy Don’s dog.  I have watched him several times in the past but it has been a number of years since he has been out at the house.  He is a sweet dog and I look forward to spending time with him.


Staying out of the rabbit hole, Re-VR’d, Pain in the glass

On Monday I got a message from the clinic regarding my blood results.  I tried calling back three times during the afternoon and got voicemail.  So I called again yesterday and finally got through.  Like I mentioned last week they were testing for testosterone and cancer screening markers which came about when I revealed I lost 13-14lbs without really trying so far this year.  I guess the ARNP was being cautious.

So when I call I get transferred to the ARNP.  She tells me my testosterone number was good, 800+ which is higher than I expected.  However she also said the two of the tests for cancer markers were borderline.  One was a PSA test for prostate cancer and the other is a CEA test that measures substances that can be produced by cancer in the body.  She wanted me to come in Thursday to rerun the blood tests to verify the results.  I started having flashbacks to my “borderline” EKG which resulted in a rush of testing that revealed absolutely nothing.  However hearing information that these tests for cancer were not all clean was unsettling, of course.

After I got off the phone I went online and looked at the test results myself and utilized Google to make some sense of it all.  The PSA test interpretation by the ARNP seems off for sure .  There are three things reported on it, your total PSA, your free PSA and %free PSA.  My total PSA number was 1.2 which after researching is very low.  They don’t even pay attention until it is 2.4 and they get more concerned if it is 4.0 or higher.  My free PSA was .3 which meant my %free was 25 which is on the low end of the acceptable range, BUT there was very important information not being looked at.

Under the results it had a chart showing how the info should be interpreted.  It said if your total PSA was less than 2.5, your %FREE is basically irrelevant.  It seems to me like the ARNP just saw one number that was on edge of range and did not look at the rest of the info.  She was saying that maybe she would need to send me to a urologist to have my prostate checked further.  Uh no, we won’t be doing that.

The CEA test result was 3.5.  The “reference range” for this test is 2.5 or less for a non-smoker or 5.0 or less if you smoke. So I was outside the range but not by much.  Again after researching, a HIGH CEA number that causes major alarm is 20 or more.  So again, since I have never had this test before, 3.5 might just be a normal number for me.  So anyway I will let them draw blood again tomorrow but I have already laid out my treatment plan for them.  Test me again in 6 months and see if either number has changed significantly, if they haven’t, I’m good to go .  I think the weight loss is probably mostly pointed at stress and the fact that I just don’t eat as much food as when Cindy cooked for me.  I’m certainly not subjecting myself to another merry go round of testing to only come up with another shoulder shrug at the end.

By the end of the day I found myself being more angry than upset about the test results.  I’m a bit annoyed at the clinic being so eager to shuffle me off for testing.  I wonder if it is a bit of CYA mentality where in order to absolve themselves of any responsibility it is better to over test than under test and potentially miss something. Whatever the case may be, I walked around the house with a bit of a chip on my shoulder the rest of the night. I felt angry and unwilling to relent to the seemingly endless health/pain related issues that keep getting thrown in my face.  When I did my calisthenics in the bar park after work the reps had more edge, anger and intensity to them. Time may be coming for me but I’m not going down easily. I did at least catch another peaceful sunset to temper my anger.

Last night I fired up my Oculus Quest 2 for the first time in months.  It literally could be 6 months or more since I was inside the virtual reality the headset provides.  I think VR is extremely cool and I always had fun and interesting experiences in it but for whatever reason it has just fallen to the wayside.  Other things always take priority or seem more appealing.  The same thing has happened with WoW recently, I have hardly played the game at all the last several months.  I experienced this the last time I was single as well.  I thought I would have all this time to play around, doing whatever I wanted as much as I wanted and whenever I wanted.  Reality was not anything close to what I imagined.

This morning I dropped off the Tacoma to get the windshield replaced.  I still have no idea why the crack, which is now close to two feet long started.  Roughly $400 will take care of the problem.  The Tacoma will be getting some more love in the next month or so as it is overdue for a new set of tires.  I’m almost at 55K miles and still on the original rubber.


Drowned, Cleaned

Last night when I pulled into the driveway I was greeted by another severely flooded yard.  You may recall I had just mowed Sunday because the yard was clear of standing water. I was glad I did. Thanks to a couple inches of rain in a short period of time, that changed in a hurry, it was a mess.  I have always felt the worst for the chickens when the yard floods.  It’s the reason I spent a couple thousand dollars bringing fill and sod into their area.  Even with my efforts there are some spots that still are submerged, including the sand in the run.  It’s miserable.  I can’t wait to have rainy season in the rear view mirror.

I was productive last night, doing some extended work in the the hobby room, putting together stands, starting prints, and just cleaning up.  Keeping the hobby room in a semi-organized state is a constant battle because of the ebb and flow of what goes on in there.  I concentrated on my main build table last night but there are other spots in the room that require attention as well.

I have been burning through season 5 of Cobra Kai.  I have loved the show ever since it debuted on YouTube Red years ago.



The last few days I have found myself drowning in a lot of negative thoughts that seemingly pop up out of nowhere and within milliseconds lead to a chain reaction of bullshit.  When that gets teamed up with the every morning occurrence of acute pain in my lower back quadrant that is approaching immobilizing at times, I am just a barrel full of sunshine and rainbows.  So as I am limping out to the chicken coop at 5:40AM to take care of Kathy, who I am watching fade away each day, I look up in the sky and see the bright full moon shining down on me.  I should have known.

A very full Friday, Shorts, Feed me, The end of a 22 year relationship, Too Silly, Self Care, Cracked up, Taking Advantage

My Friday was stupid full.  During my lunch hour I got another pickleball session in.  My knee which was randomly painful on Thursday was less so on Friday, although I still could feel shots of ouch depending on what I did.  When I got home I was thinking I needed to choose to either get a 10 mile bike ride in OR get the weeding done.  I decided to do, BOTH.  It was my first ride in awhile so I was looking to survive, not excel.  As I was pumping the tires I decided to pull out my phone and film a YouTube Short, something they began pushing this year.  They are short random videos designed to get attention.  In my case I thought popping the pump off the valve pressurized to 100 PSI was something random to get attention.  It did, over the weekend it amassed something like 7000 views.

I returned from my ride breathing heavy and sweating but motivated to immediately start weeding since daylight is decreasing nowadays.  I talked to Gladys on my headset as I roamed the yard so it helped make the task go by faster.  By the time I got back inside it was close to 8. Of course since it was Friday the pizza still needed to be made/eaten which I did, feeling like I definitely earned it that day.

Despite knocking the weeding out Friday it felt like I was spinning my wheels Saturday morning.  I just had a number of tasks that kept popping up in my head.  By the time I left to run errands it was basically the same time frame as a normal, weed on Saturday morning, day.  One of my early stops was at Gladys’s families house.  The 3D printed Hello Kitty I made for Gladys’s niece had lost a foot so I printed another one.  While I was there I was given a bunch of Honduran style food to take home with me which I really appreciated.  Gladys’s family is very kind to me which means a lot, especially since I have no family within 1200 miles of me otherwise. After stopping there Elsa and I went to Costco and Publix as well before returning home.  I did not eat lunch until almost 3PM, it was just one of those days where I felt behind schedule, despite my best efforts.

So one of the things I had to deal with was Directv.  The Eagles season opened this weekend so I was dreading the annual call where I have to explain to low level tech support how to get just the Sunday Ticket enabled for my account.  I have never had a year where this did not consume at least two hours of frustration on the phone.  So before I made the call I flipped on the receiver and noticed the picture quality was bad, like I had poor signal.  It was overcast which never helps but the signal strength numbers were really low, 50-60 instead of 85-100 they used to be.

I have had an increasingly more problematic issue with the satellite dish since the oak tree in front of it has become so large.  Repeatedly I have had to trim branches to clear my line of sight.  So I went out and stood by the dish, looking up in the sky along the angle that I think the dish uses.  I see some small branches down low that could be in the way.  I get the ladder out and do some dangerous tree climbing to reach them.  I get back down and check the signal meters again, they are basically unchanged, great.    I go back out and eyeball some more.  It looks like there could be more branches in the way but these are way up there, probably 30-40 feet or more, out of my reach, even if I throw all caution to the wind, great. The last thing I want to do is hire someone to cut these branches back, a problem that is only going to keep reoccurring over the years. I started to think about options.

After some googling I saw Directv has an option where you can STREAM just the Sunday Ticket, no dish required.  That would be perfect, I thought. Well it has some bizarre requirements like you have to either be a college student or can not get Directv service any other way.  I was trying to log into my Directv account but was stuck in a loop.  I got on an online chat and discovered that ATT, who had bought Directv years ago evidently is undoing that, Directv is it’s own thing once again.  Because of this a new account had to be created.

The chat rep I had seemed nice.  I mentioned to him how it would be awesome if I could convert to just streaming the Sunday Ticket.  He said he would look into if I could do it, he seemed to think I could.  After about 15 minutes of back and forth he abruptly tells me he was going to transfer me to someone in the streaming department who should be able to get me going, great!  So I get transferred to another rep who seems nice, they ask me a lot of the same questions but again seem confident they could get this going. However again, after a prolonged period of time I am transferred to a THIRD person that evidently is THE person for this request, ok great, I think.  At this point I had already wasted around 45 minutes on this chat session.

So this third individual is VERY confident that they can accomplish this, they even wanted me to call to cancel my existing satellite service awhile.  I told them I would rather wait to make sure the streaming option is available.  Again there are a lot of delays but always assurance that we were almost done.  However once again, suddenly, I am told that I would be moved to a supervisor that could assist me.  I was now over an hour of time on this chat and losing my patience.  I inform “Robert” the supervisor he was the fourth person I spoke to.  He makes zero effort to help and just tells me to call a phone number.  I was pissssssed.

Of course I had absolutely no recourse but to complain into nothingness.  However the incident was finally the straw that broke the camel’s back.  As I said, every year I have had this horrible experience trying to get the service activated for the privilege of giving Directv $450 or so.  The Sunday Ticket only shows games if they are not nationally broadcast.  With the Eagles, that means typically there were 4-6 games per year that the Sunday Ticket did nothing for.  So I asked myself the question, “Do I really need it anymore….”

Lord knows the last year or so has been filled with things that I have done for a long time dropping to the wayside.  I signed up for Directv almost immediately after moving to Florida.  That first year I had the dish mounted inside of a Home Depot bucket on a 4×4 inside of cement on the south facing lanai. Seeing the Eagles was that important to me.  Fast forward 22 years and although the Eagles are still important to me, with my Sirius XM subscription I already get the Eagles home radio broadcast for free which honestly is good enough most of the time.  Having to block off 3 hours on a Sunday to lay on the sofa just is not a great fit for me anymore.  Hell half the time I fall asleep for half the game or more.  Listening to the broadcast would allow me to multi-task which I normally am a big fan of.

So it was decided, I was canceling Directv.  Ironically when I called in to cancel, picking the correct menu item I was transferred to dead air.  I had to call back a second time to get it done.  The rep on the other line did not try very hard to keep me, he could tell I was pretty much done.  I felt an odd sense of relief once the cancellation was finished, no more two hour calls, no more dish dictated tree trimming.  I celebrated with another Short.

Saturday night I watched the latest Thor movie, Love and Thunder which recently released on Disney +.  Much like the last Thor movie, it was a bit too silly for me.  I love the sense of humor most Marvel movies employ but this one was a bit too much.  As a result I can’t go higher than B+ on it.

Saturday evening I also worked in the time to do a review video on a percussion massager I was sent. I have had a percussion massager for awhile thanks to Randall’s recommendation.  I actually like the unit I was sent a little more than what I have.  The video is nothing spectacular but hey, it’s a massager, what do you expect….

My Sunday was decent.  After grabbing coffee Elsa and I did our second 1 mile walk in the park in as many days.  It’s funny how she acts terrified every single time when I leash her up and 60 seconds later she is fine. While I was there a took a picture of this insane crack that started to appear in the Tacoma last weekend.  There is no impact mark, just a crack that started in the middle of the windshield and has grown another foot since then.  I have an appointment to get the windshield replaced on Wednesday.

I took advantage of my new freedom from being in front of the TV for the Eagles game. I put on my bluetooth headphones and listened to the game as I mowed the grass, a perfect example of why I like to multitask.  What I heard was the Eagles going up big and then begin gagging, with the game being decided by 3 points, fortunately in the Eagles favor.  Oh well it’s win, and the grass is mowed….

Kathy is going downhill.  Based on my unfortunately extensive experience with chickens demise, it would not surprise me me if she is gone in less than a couple weeks.  Her weight continues to fall and her activity/energy level is really dropping off.  It makes me sad because I know what is coming all too well, including my ultimate reaction to it.





Still Dumb, Hurricane Thursday

I was hobbling around all day yesterday thanks to my left knee injury that came courtesy of walking around my kitchen.  I had plans to play pickleball after work that I was clinging onto.  When walking I had to be very deliberate with how I positioned my leg to avoid random stabs of pain through it.  In the last decade, generally speaking, I have gotten better at listening to my body.  If something hurts that normally is a good indicator you should give it a break.  Hell  that was one of the things that got me out of playing volleyball as swollen knees and a dead left shoulder after most tournaments got to become a regular thing.  Recently pickleball has been testing my common sense.

I had an easy out as Jeff told me that Mark was already canceling because of the chance of rain.  I could have just agreed to cancel, give my body some time off and been better off for it.  Instead I convinced Jeff that it was still dry out at the new park by me and we could still meet up and play.  So I got home and had to fly around the house doing the normal Thursday evening chores before heading over.  I took two Advil, wrapped both of my knees and crossed my fingers.

The skies looked menacing right from the start.  I got there a little before him and tried to stretch the best I could.  I knew my mobility was going to be severely limited as the knee still was painful, of course.  Because of this limitation I tried to use harder serving and smarter placement in the two games we got in, both of which I managed to win.  Jeff is rapidly improving though and I have no doubt it won’t be long until we are trading wins back and forth.

It was getting really dark towards the end of the second game.  Then the lightning siren went off, meaning the fun was over.  We packed up, happy to at least have gotten a couple games in.  Within a couple minutes of getting in our vehicles the skies opened up, letting down an end of days style rain.  My property which actually was pretty dry for September suddenly looked like we just went through a hurricane with huge areas of the yard underwater from getting several inches of rain in a couple hours, it was nuts. Elsa was not happy.

This weekend is open ended.  It will be too wet to mow so I will see what floats my boat, pun intended.  Recently I have been trying to think about what my future holds, what I really want, and how to get there.  Those ideas seem to ebb, flow, and shift regularly.  One thing that I consistently feel is still missing having someone to share life experiences with.  I’m not sure if that feeling will fade away with time as I become more and more accustomed to it being absent.

Oh, I am supposed to play pickleball at lunch today as well, f it.

Whacking by lightning, Immense

We had a dry night last night so I felt guilty not taking advantage of it. The task I selected is one of those pretty high on the shitty list, weed whacking the property fence line, both sides.  This is something that has not been done since probably the start of summer so it was beyond due.  Every time I do my backyard walks with Elsa I saw the weeds and high grass woven into the fencing taunting me, mercilessly.  I headed out to the shed about 6:15 making a quick mental estimate that the job should take me around an hour.  You would think after 21 years I would have a pretty good idea of how long certain tasks take.  I underestimated this chore by about half.

I started off by weed whacking under the solar panels which is it’s own unique version of suck.  Their angled mount requires me to bend over awkwardly while holding the weed whacker to reach down low, a perfect exercise for my now clearly chronic lower back issue.  I did this first following my normal do the worst, first game plan.  It was then onto the fence.  Weed whacking the fence line sucks for a couple of reasons. First it takes a very long time.  Because the way the weeds grow around the wire you have to go slow and sometimes hit areas repeatedly to knock it all down.  In some spots the field grass is so high that you have to chop down in layers, starting high and finishing low. The other annoying aspect is the field fence devours trimmer line like mad.  I had to refill the spool twice during the nearly two hour session.

Because the job took much longer than I estimated I wound up doing the last section of fence in near complete darkness with illumination being provided momentarily by the various strikes of lightning that were nearby.  I am pretty sure “fck my life” ran through my head more than once during this chore.  Every time I whack the fence I get a front and center view of how bad some of the fence posts are getting.  In the areas where water is a near constant companion during summers there are a number of posts that are completely rotted at the base.  This winter I may try to see how it goes doing as needed post replacements although that sounds miserable, trying to do so with the existing fence intact.

So after finally returning inside and throwing my grass covered clothing in the wash I am walking around preparing my supper.  As I am walking I stepped on the edge of one of my kitchen mats.  Somehow that was just enough to send a stabbing pain through my left knee.  It was bad, requiring a full on hopping limp to move around.  This has happened to me a number of times were seemingly innocent activities result in injury.  This sort of thing normally means probably some torn piece of meniscus moved inside the joint in just the right way to cause the pain.  Now I just have to wait for it to move somewhere else.  Life after 50, it’s no joke…. I’m supposed to play pickleball tonight, I haven’t given up yet….

More = less?, A new can of worms, Skinny and Weak

Yesterday at lunch I played pickleball with Kerri, the woman that I previously knew from the gym who started playing with us a few weeks ago.  She is improving rapidly.  Although I won all of our singles matches I had to work hard to do so.  She is incredibly quick and gets to all sorts of balls I would never get close to.  At the end we teamed up to play doubles against some decent players and won that game as well which was cool.  She is a pretty hardcore beach volleyball player and has been nudging me to step back on the court to at least see how things go.  I might.

Her all around athleticism is pretty astounding.  I am hoping that if I trend up doing more total body activities like pickleball and possibly volleyball it will become less and less impactful to my body.  That is the hope at least, with no basis in science whatsoever.

So today I had a follow up appointment at the med clinic.  It’s intent was to see how I have been since the abnormal EKG in March that sent me into the circuit of cardiologist testing which basically revealed nothing significant.  Prior to this appointment they did a standard blood panel to get basic numbers on sugars, cholesterol, and a number of other things.  All those numbers were very good.  I told her the cardiologist said I was good to go.

She then asked about my hernia since I went to see her first about it.  I told her I had a surgery scheduled, got covid and then canceled it.  I told her since it has not changed and is not really bothering me I am going to just let it go until that changes.  She didn’t seem to think that was a problem.  I then asked her if it was possible to have a testosterone level test run.  I told her I have had  some issues that made me wonder what my level was which was last tested 4-5 years ago when I had my 18 months of mystery fatigue.  I also mentioned how I had lost a pretty significant amount of weight in the past year.

Last year at this time I was upper 180’s, last night I stepped on the scale before taking my shower and was 174lbs.  Keep in mind that was a night weight which is normally the heaviest you will be during the day.  She said she didn’t think the weight loss could be attributed to low T but I said my thought process was loss of muscle.  She asked if anything else happened during this time.  I mentioned the end of a long term relationship where I was well fed.  She wasn’t sure if she could get a testosterone test covered under insurance, I said I didn’t care I just wanted to know the number.

So the weight loss concerned her somewhat.  She asked if I had any history of cancer in my family I told her outside of skin cancer not really.  She said to be safe she wanted to run some cancer marker blood tests, awesome.  I mean I guess in the outside chance that there IS something going on it would be good to know early so I agreed to it.  They did the draw on the spot, pulling 5 vials of blood which I managed to get through without showing how uncomfortable it makes me.  In a perfect world all the cancer screenings will be clear, my T level will still be in normal range and I can move ahead with life.

It’s interesting that the last time I weighed this little was also when I was single after splitting from Ali in 2012.  However during that time the low weight was sort of intentional as it made calisthenics, which I was heavily into at the time, easier.  I was in the best overall shape of my life around then. Now my weight is in the same range but the strength is not there.  At the gym today doing bench press, a weight I could push 5-6 times a year ago, went up once, and it wasn’t easy.  Now part of that could be from having blood pulled a few hours earlier but still, there is a clear trend going on. It could be a side effect of the stress I have been under for various reasons the last year.  It could just be as simple as I don’t consume the same amount of calories as when Cindy cooked for me.  I am hoping for simple explanations and solutions.





Out of sense of duty, Live, Red line, Naked

Undoing My Fantasy Football Draft RoomWhen I got home Friday night I traded doing a 10 mile road bike ride for doing the weeding instead.  Because I was hosting the fantasy football draft on Saturday afternoon I wanted to make sure I had the time necessary to prep.  I went a step further, staying up relatively late Friday night to get the furniture in the house rearranged in draft configuration.

Saturday morning Elsa and I headed out to run errands, I had more to pick up than normal due to needing some supplies for the party.  My food spread has changed drastically.  When I first started hosting the party when Cindy was there we would prepare all sorts of food which required all sorts of time.  However the other guys would bring food of their own as well so the end result was tons of food that got wasted and thrown out.  I provide much less food nowadays and there is still plenty to go around.

This was the first time the party has been mid-afternoon, normally they kick off at 7PM.  In many ways this was a better scenario.  Owners started showing up at about 2:30 and the drafting started maybe 10 after 3.  We only had two owners that connected remotely via Skype this year, at one point we would have 5 or 6.  This is literally the only time I see these guys during the year.  It was nice to catch up but I have always been the outsider of the group as they all have working relationships that are centered around golf.

The draft went smoothly.  As usual I did next to zero prep but somehow the draft rating system said I had the fourth best draft, I’m not quite sure how.  I have been increasingly less enthusiastic about fantasy football for a number of years and have considered dropping out.  I continue to trudge on because of a sense of duty with my long standing hosting of the draft.  By 6:30 everyone was gone and I started cleaning up the place.  I did a funny accelerated video of me putting furniture back.

As usual I had a decent amount to eat and drink but not quite the levels of gluttony as have gone down in prior drafts.  I kept in mind that I had scheduled a live stream Saturday night for 8:30 PM.  I was able to get the house almost 100% in order before the stream.  I felt a little tired from the day’s festivities and kept the stream to a more reasonable 2 hours and change.

Sunday the yard was still a bit soppy but mowable so I knocked that out around mid-day.  I later decided I wanted to try to do a high speed test of one of my new wheels, the S22.  I really loaded up both on safety gear and camera equipment for the run, wearing my full upper body armor, full face helmet, and my new carbon fiber knee guards.  I brought my 360, GoPro and Skydio drone to record the ride.  I went to a side street a few blocks from me where I had done successful speed runs before.

The run was more challenging than anticipated.  I was having a hard time getting up close to the listed top speed of the wheel.  I later realized I was riding in a direction that was into a small head wind.  When I reversed it was easier to carry speed.  On my last run I crossed 40mph, hitting 40.6 on my tracking app which is still 3mph below top speed.  It was close enough for me.

Instead of editing the video Sunday night I decided I wanted to watch El Camino, the Breaking Bad movie.  When this came out I intended to see it but never did for reasons I am not quite sure of.  Finishing up Better Call Saul reminded me that I never saw the movie (on Netflix) which gives a follow up to what happened to Jessie after the end of Breaking Bad.  I recall some people speaking negatively about El Camino but overall I liked it and felt it carried the breaking Bad torch as I would expect.  I’d give it an A.

On Labor Day morning I edited the speed run video.  It was pretty tedious coordinating the footage.  I had to sync the drone, 360 and GoPro as well as the screen recording I did of the app I use to rack speed.  In total I bet I spent close to three hours on the project.  I think it turned out relatively well.

I made arrangements to go up to Ali and Shugs place to hang out a bit in the afternoon.  I brought my One Wheel with as I thought Babcock Ranch with it’s endless paths would be a sweet place to ride.  Since I had been there last the two of them had made a lot of progress in getting their new house in order.  Shugs had built a large shelf unit in the garage that held a bunch of stuff and I helped him finish off hanging some rails on the opposite wall that are used to hang a lot of other items off hooks.  Compared to how it was when they first moved in it was night and day better.

We ate lunch at a nearby pizza place.  They drove while I rode my One Wheel there.  Ali said she felt very nervous watching me ride, she has not seen me ride PEVs very often.  She said it looked unsafe.  I would classify PEV riding as a lot of things, safe is not one of them.  After lunch I threw the board in their vehicle and hitched a ride back to their place.  They got inspiration to work more on the garage.  I used that as an opportunity to go out and ride some more, this time with my camera gear in hand.  I look forward to riding there more often. I rode my GT “naked”, meaning I removed the fender.  I think I prefer it this way.

I was sweating my ass off by the time I got back.  I tested out their pool which was a great way to cool off in a hurry.  I also grabbed my stash of grape Pop Tarts that Ali bought for me which was greatly appreciated.  Elsa LOVES hanging with Ali and Shugs so we will definitely try to get up there regularly.

Last night was spent editing the One Wheel footage as well as wading through some mental baggage which was not expected.  I’m looking to reboot and start the new week with anticipation for the what is yet to be.



Pain train

I have talked about the presumably SI joint related lower back pain that has been my constant companion for months.  Despite the pain I have been able to stay functional, including weekly pickleball sessions, normally Fridays at lunch.  Because of some conflicts we wound up playing yesterday at lunch.  Most of the games were singles which I prefer, despite being more demanding physically. I won more games than I lost which is always a good thing.

So I only play once a week because I don’t think my body can take much more.  There are a lot of short bursts of speed, direction reversal and other movements that just don’t cooperate with my aging joints.  Well on the way home I got a text from another guy I know from the gym asking me if I wanted to play at the new park by me.  The opportunity to play so close to home sounded good to me so I said yes, despite just playing at lunch.

As I drove home it became clear that playing there would be a no go as a storm was drenching the area however JD told me they were going to play at Veterans Park instead where it was not raining. He encouraged me to still play.  Playing suddenly became much less convenient but I had been wanting to get together with Jeff for a little while so I told him I would be there.  I had played at Veterans a couple times before, it is pretty busy and has a lot of higher level players mixed in.  I got home, took care of Elsa, Kathy and the normal Thursday night chores before heading back out.

When I showed up Jeff was playing a doubles match with his wife, another county IT guy I know and a fourth person they picked up.  They had me swap in immediately.  I played with JD’s wife who had only played a couple times.  Despite this we actually managed to come back and win our game after being down pretty big.  I was jamming them up with my serve for a bit to score some quick points.  We played a number of games and I played a singles match against Jeff as well which was fun.  He has only played 6 or 7 times but you can tell he has the skills to do well as he has played a lot of racquetball and moves well.  They had to get going but I stuck around some more, despite knowing I was already past the stage of pushing my luck physically.

I wound up playing another singles match and then pairing up with the guy to play two doubles matches against two different teams with players that were much higher skilled.  We felt proud to have scored 5 points against one of them.  I was beat up.  All of the time on the court definitely had left my knees sore.  I was sweating my ass off and according to my Apple Watch I again touched 170BPM during some of the play.  I knew I overdid it.  Oh did I mention, I am also supposed to play TODAY at lunch?  That will be powered completely by Advil and my dual knee braces.

My Labor Day weekend is looking to be pretty busy.  Tonight I plan to get the weeding done after work to clear out my time tomorrow.  I am hosting the fantasy football draft for our league once again but for the first time ever it is not at night.  Instead it is scheduled to fire off at 3PM.  I will barely have enough time to clean up until my live stream starts at 8:30 PM.  Tomorrow will be a long and busy day for sure.

On Sunday I am running into the office to get something done and then head home.  Depending on the standing water situation at the house over the weekend I will be trying to slot in a mowing session as well.  I better get some wheel time in as well along the way since we are off Monday for Labor Day.