Archives June 2012

Thursday night dose of Prometheus

Disclaimer, some spoiler elements could appear in the is entry.  If you want Prometheus to be a total surprise, skip today’s entry.

So last night when I got home my game plan was pretty much the same as most Thursdays since I have been flying solo, get some stuff done. I cleaned Tuki’s cage and did all the laundry I had in the baskets.

Somewhere during this process an odd idea popped into my head.  I should go to the movies.

I had been wanting to see the new sci-fi thriller Prometheus.  I had asked my mom and Ali if they had any interest in seeing it, neither of them did.  Well I have an established track record of not minding going to a theater with me, myself and I.

By the time the idea entered my head it was already too late to see the earlier showing at Silverspot.  My only option was the 9:30 show.  Hmmm.  I hopped on the Silverspot website to see how presold the show was, there was exactly one seat sold at that time so crowds would definitely not be an issue.

I was already feeling a bit sleepy at 7PM.  The prospect of seeing a late movie that would see me getting home after midnight on a Thursday sounded pretty daunting.

I didn’t commit either way mentally right away.  A little before 8 I decided I would go for it.  A 9:30 movie on a Thursday night is something I am pretty sure I never did before, that means I need to do it.

I hopped in the shower and into the SSR shortly after that.  It was a beautiful night for some top down driving.  I was glad to see the check engine light did not return.  I noticed something interesting while driving topless at nights, concrete is a huge heat emitter.

The air felt comfortable as I cruised along however I noticed every time I drove under an overpass I could feel the heat emitting from the structure above like a heat lamp.  The sun was already hidden behind the horizon at this point.  It’s just was a weird thing I never noticed before.

I was unsure how late DD was open, I was hoping to score a late night cup of coffee to hold off the sleepies.  I pulled in about 8:45, 15 minutes before they close, whew.

So I got to the theater about 15 minutes before show time.  Mercato, the happening night spot where the theater is located seemed very dead.  The parking garage was very sparsely populated.

This was the first time I actually paid for a seat on site, normally I handle the transaction via their website ahead of time so I can lock up a good seat.  Getting a good seat wasn’t an issue last night.  I got top row, dead center.

The theater was not full at all, there might have been around 15 bodies in there total.

So let’s talk about the movie.  I was in the 3D showing.  3D has definitely lost some of it’s gee whiz impact with me.  Yea it’s cool but I don’t know that it does much at all to significantly enhance my enjoyment of the flick.  Plus, theaters still charge you a premium to see 3D.  I would rather see 2D and spend 3 or 4 bucks less.

I came into Prometheus not knowing much background except it was a sci-fi thriller that was directed by Ridley Scott, the guy who did Aliens.

Visually the movie was epic as epic can be, it looked GREAT.  It didn’t hurt that you got to also see Charlize Theron in nothing but skin tight body suits the entire movie and another lead female cast member in her underwear for another long time period.

I found the storyline very interesting, a search for our ultimate creators.  The road that storyline traveled had a few bumps in the road and some head scratchers that you just had to not dwell on.

I saw tons of parallels to the original Aliens series, slightly crazy/evil android, hot chick being the main character and several other things that made me think they should have just called the film Aliens 4 or 5, (dont recall how many there were)

Well it didn’t become crystal clear for me that it should have actually been called Alien:The Prequel until the very end.  It wasn’t until then that I realized all of the other similarities were intentional, duh.

The film had plenty of grab on to your seat moments as well as “that is fckn gross” scenes.  Frankly I enjoyed them.

There were a few issues plot wise that I would have liked answers to but all in all I liked the movie and would give it an A-.  I didn’t walk away feeling like my $17.50 was a waste.

By the time I got home it was after midnight as I predicted.  My eyes didn’t shut until probably 12:30.  I don’t feel all that awful today, yet…


Midweek mowing, another visit, Glass Walls

So once again this week I am trying to cut down on my weekend duties so I hopped on the tractor last night to mow the yard.  While I was mowing I had another visit from the German Shephard, she obviously remembered our interaction from the day before.  As she was coming over I cringed as a vehicle was approaching, the dog was literally in the road as the small SUV passed.

I stopped the tractor and turned it off.  As I walked over to her she again assumed the submissive position, looking for more belly rubs.  I knelt down and petted her, looking over at her house seeing that not only the front gate was wide open but that two people were outside doing yard work.

Well I got up and walked over to the house with the dog by my side.  I say hello to the hispanic couple, both very short and both seemingly in the landscape business, they were wearing uniforms that yard crews would wear.  I said hello and asked if this was their dog.  I got the impression the guys English was very spotty but he said yes.

I started to explain that the dog has been across the street and in my yard quite a bit.  I told them she seems like a very good dog but I am worried about her getting hit out on the road since so many people choose to speed down it.

As I was talking the guy popped an ear plug out of his ear so I am not sure how much he heard or understood.  His reply was simply “Ok”.  As I walked back towards my place he called the dog, I think he called her “Nina”.  At first the dog continued to follow her new best friend but eventually she stopped.  A few minutes later he closed the front gate.  We’ll see how long that lasts.

When I was listening to the Stern Show earlier in the week, Sam Simon, one of the original creators of the Simpsons, called in.  Sam, besides being a multi, multi-millionaire, is also a huge dog lover and animal activist.  The reason for his call was to bitch at one guy on the show, Jon Hein for a tv show he recently started that glorifies the fast food craze in America.

Jon Hein is a real good guy but he is also a physical mess.  Despite being very overweight and suffering from diabetes, he still consumes fast food as the main staple of his daily diet.

Sam’s point was Jon glorifying a business that exists on the backbone of a factory meat farming industry that is responsible for incredible acts of cruelty on animals each and everyday is just wrong.  In addition to the torture of animals, this industry is also responsible for many other related issues such as the techniques used to cultivate these animals in ultra high density/quantity creating health problems with the animals. These issues have repercussions further down the food chain when people consume them.  Then there is the environmental impact of providing meat for the human herd, there are huge side effects that most people are probably totally unaware of. Let’s also throw in the obesity epidemic that now affects more Americans than not from eating fast food and other junk.

Well after getting nowhere discussing the point with Jon, whom claimed he was aware that his rampant consumption of factory meat via fast food chains had side effects he would rather not think about, he had no intentions of changing because he liked hamburgers so he was going to eat hamburgers.

Sam then just asked that Jon takes 15 minutes to watch a documentary called Glass Walls.  It is hosted by Paul McCartney, whom I didn’t know was a big animal activist.  The premise is if slaughter houses had glass walls, most people would be vegetarians.

Well last night I found the video on YouTube and started watching it.

Within the first 60 seconds I could already feel tears coming to my eyes as uncensored scenes of animal cruelty were displayed.  It was absolutely horrible.  I only made it to minute four before I had to click it off, I saw more than enough.

Now I have already been more or less on this path for awhile now.  My meat consumption in the last 6 months is hovering just barely above the zero mark.  I have had seafood occasionally, that industry hasn’t clicked in my head as being quite as heinous in my mind. However I have never in my life had a whole lobster and cringe at any restaurant that has a tank of live ones, awaiting execution by boiling water.

So if I needed any additional push to continue my meat moratorium, this certainly provided it.  If you care to pull back the curtain on what is involved to put that pork chop or steak on your plate, take a look.  WARNING it is extremely graphic and extremely disturbing.

Long way to go

The other day I received a letter from a local realtor.  Inside was a listing contract for one of the two lots Ali and I own in Lehigh Acres.  Back in the glory days of real estate in the early 2000’s we thought we would jump on the band wagon, buying two lots in this area that was targeted as the next huge growth area in SW Florida.

At first we felt like geniuses, at one point we could have sold each lot for close to double of what we paid for them.  Well I guess we got greedy.  Instead of taking the tidy profit, we held on for more, thinking the ceiling wasn’t even visible yet.  Hell I recall having grand ideas of selling these lots and having made enough that by this age the house would be completely paid off.  Boy, was I wrong.

Instead we didn’t see the warning signs when the prices started declining.  We thought it was just a temporary situation.  In no time at all the market for these lots totally imploded and we were left holding the bag.

Well this letter from the realtor indicated that lots in this area were starting to move.  His sales contract indicated his commission would be 8% or a flat $500, whichever is higher.  Hmm maybe the prices have actually started to swing back up??

So I emailed the guy, asking what lots like our have been selling for recently.  I was not excited in the least when I got my response, saying the median price has been between 4 and 5K.  At that number I would be taking an 83% loss on that lot.  Multiply it times two for the second lot and you can see how underwater I am on these two “investments.”

I have considered just dumping the land at these low numbers and put whatever proceeds I get towards paying down the home equity line that was used to buy them in the first place.  However at this point I find myself still holding on to hope that sometime before I die I can at least lose less money on the deal.

I try to not think about my land holdings very often, it depresses me.

Clean it up, spare, another wayward dog

Last night when I got home I did the normal mode version of this month’s BB challenge.

I followed up with a very clean dinner. It was the first time I used the juicer since Ali moved out, supplementing my wrap with a juice consisting of beets, carrots, spinach and tomatoes.

I literally had pizza or warm up pizza for dinner the last four nights in a row, it was time to get back on track. As a result, the numbers on my cool bamboo decked bathroom scale have been creeping upwards a bit.

Since Ali moved out my self discipline hasn’t been quite as iron clad as I would like it to be.  I think it is not abnormal to have some personal slack when you find yourself in a new mode of life.  I will be pulling some of that slack back in.

I had a big ass box at my door last night, it was a used SSR wheel.  Why in the world would I be getting a single wheel?  Well, for a spare of course!  The SSR has NO spare tire whatsoever, not even a shitty donut spare.  The factory instead provides you with a tire patch kit and a cigarette lighter powered inflator, like that would actually work on the type of tire hole that would knock you off the road. (it won’t)

So basically if you have a serious flat in the SSR you are done.  Well a guy on SSRFanatics had bought an aftermarket set of wheels for his truck so he was selling his old ones that were not in great shape but perfectly useable.  He was selling the wheels super cheap, I only paid $50 plus shipping for it.  My next move will be to go to a place like House of Flats and try to find a cheap, used 255/45/19 tire to have mounted on the rim.

Boom, there is my instant spare.  I would simply put the wheel in the bed of the truck and leave it there, especially on long road trips.

I decided to remain productive last night and gave the SSR a much needed bath, washing off the highway scuzz and beach film that was coating it. It looked tons better when I was finished.

As I was washing the truck I had a visitor.

The house that is across the street from mine and down one spot is a rental house.  There have been a round robin assortment of individuals living there over the past few years, none of which seemed very impressive.  Well my other neighbor across the street had reported that this latest hispanic family apparently has a dog, a young German Shephard that they don’t pay attention to.  She said she saw the dog hanging out in my yard multiple times.

Now of course the fact that a dog is in my yard doesn’t bother me in the least. But I am bothered by people that don’t care enough about the safety of their dog to restrain them.  There are tons of assholes in our vicinity that have no issue flying down our road at twice the 30 MPH speed limit.  The idea that a dog could be killed because of lazy, irresponsible owners sickens me.

Well anyway, I got to meet this shep in person last night.  When she saw me she cautiously approached, acting like she was in trouble.  I called her over in a friendly tone.  As she got even closer she took an extremely submissive pose, practically crawling towards me on her belly.  Her body language makes me think that her human owners have little issue wailing on the dog.

I knelt down and told her it was ok.  She was obviously still very young, surely less than a year old.  She laid on her side and wanted me to rub her belly.  I looked the dog over as I was petting her, I was pretty sure she is kept outside based on her appearance, another typical move for hispanic/Mexican families, many view their dogs like lawn furniture.

Once the shep realized I wasn’t going to hurt her she was glued to me.  I went inside to give her some water which she gulped down immediately.  I then grabbed one of the girls Milk Bones and gave it to her.  The dog acted like I gave her a piece of gold.  She immediately ran back over to her property with the bone in her mouth.  I assume she ate it over there as she came back a little later looking for more.

I hate situations like this.  If I go over to these people’s house, assuming they speak English, I see scenarios where the dog is punished for wandering by being shackled to a chain or beaten.  The property does have a manual gate that can be closed to keep the dog contained but it seems like they are very forgetful in doing so.

I also have the option to contact domestic animal services and let them know about the dog roaming free.  They will come out and warn the owners and even fine them if it would continue.  I again however see this resulting in more pain and suffering for the dog. It sucks.

I told Ali about the pooch.  Of course her answer is I should just keep the dog. That would be a simple resolution with complex consequences long term.







To Lithuania and back, Cool code reader

So the winners of the January Bar-barian forums challenge were promised Bar-barian t-shirts for winning.  The shirts were coming from the guys in NYC.  The plan was for them to send the shirts to me and I would send them out to the winners. Well it took quite awhile for me to get the shirts because of some sort of problems with the place that was supposed to print them.  I actually didn’t get the shirts in hand until late April.

Unfortunately for me, all of the winners were on the other side of the Atlantic, one was in Russia, another in Poland and a third in Lithuania.  I never mailed stuff overseas before.  It wasn’t too bad,  I just had to fill out a customs form and then pay about $10 per package to send it via First Class Mail.

Well evidently first class mail isn’t very fast.  The guy in Russia didn’t get his package until almost a full month had passed.  The guy in Lithuania never received his, we both assumed it was either stolen or lost in the mail.

Well imagine my surprise when I open my mailbox yesterday and see the package containing the shirt sitting there.  There was a purple sticker on it that seemed to indicate in Lithuanian that the address was no good.

The padded envelope definitely looked like it made the round trip to the Lithuania, it was very beat up.  I found it hard to believe it took 7 weeks to get there and back.  Hell I am amazed it got back at all.

So I contacted the kid that has been waiting for the shirt for 5 months.  I told him I had good news and bad news, the good news was I know where the shirt is, the bad news was it’s back in Florida.  I sent him the address he gave me to send it to, wanting to confirm it was correct.  Well evidently it was not.

He left out a couple numbers in the street address that evidently were important.  I guess Vilnius is a pretty big town, there must be a lot of people there named Naglis.

So anyway, I now have the full address and will be sending the shirt back out this week.  I may try to add tracking to it this time if the post office doesn’t want to rape me to do so.

So last night I decided to throw my made in Hong Kong code reader on the SSR to see what the cause of the check engine light was.  My initial hope was the light was caused by a loose gas cap since I filled the truck up on Saturday on the way up to Siesta Key.

I had not used this code reader yet, I bought it several months ago.  It is pretty damn awesome, way better than the cheapo one I had that simply spits out a code and allows you to clear the light.

This new one goes far beyond that.  Not only will it show you the code, it will show you what it means.  It also does a variety of tests including real time monitoring of the vehicle’s sensor data.  Basically it seems to do a lot of the stuff that one garage likes to charge me $90 per visit to do.

Anyway I was surprised to see that the code was related to the clutch pedal.  Well the fact that the clutch spring broke last week made everything come into focus.  By the clutch there is a little switch that senses when the clutch is in the top position.  When you push the clutch in the truck knows it and uses that info to do things like cancel the cruise control if it is engaged.

Well when that spring broke the resting position of the clutch is now slightly lower than it was before, just enough that this switch is not getting engaged when the clutch is up.  Basically the truck thought the clutch was constantly down (or that the switch is bad) so it eventually threw this code.

The fix was quite easy.  The switch is threaded so it can be backed in and out as needed.  I disconnected the wire, turned it a few cranks to move it closer to clutch pedal and then reconnected the wire.  I then used the reader to turn off the check engine light.  That should be all there is to it. I was quite relieved it doesn’t appear to be anything serious.

I still might get a replacement spring just so the pedal is fully retracted.  According to most of the SSR Fanatics, the spring is just not needed and removing it gives you better clutch feel.  There are a few that said removing the spring could possibly cause premature clutch wear. I am not looking to wear out my new Corvette clutch.

The next thing I hope to get done is a full coolant flush of the SSR.  Since I have no idea if it was ever done before it is better to do it.  I am thinking I may replace the factory orange Dex-cool with one of the newer high tech green mixtures.  I have read multiple accounts of Dex-cool, despite being the officially recommended coolant by GM, causing problems down the road.  There are a bunch of guys that have dumped it and converted to the green stuff. I am hoping to knock that project out this weekend.

I got a call from Ali late yesterday afternoon confirming that I saw both dogs take a dump that morning at the house.  I told her I did, wondering why she would think I would lie about dog bathroom activities.  Well evidently one of the dogs, Sadie is Ali’s guess, shit inside the condo, on Nicki’s bed of all places.

When Ali told me the brown gold was on Nicki’s bed I assumed Nicki did it.  She has always retreated to her bed when she wants to do something lovely like throw up.  Well evidently Sadie had more messy action when Ali took them out. If that is the case, it seemed pretty passive aggressive for Sadie to use Nicki’s bed as a toilet, weird.

Ali was not thrilled that her condo reeked of dog shit, there was no space you could go to that wasn’t thick with the stench.  My only advice was to open some windows and crank the AC to get the stink air out of there.


7 minute haircut, 4 hour delay to play 4’s, trashed toes, Finish the starter

So since I was taking the SSR to Siesta Key and I was also going to be playing volleyball on Saturday, I decided a high and very tight haircut would be beneficial.  Buzzed hair does not blow in the wind or collect much sand.  I believe I set a new head shaving speed record, completing the task in 7 minutes.

It went a bit faster than normal since I didn’t leave the top a bit longer like I normally do.  Instead I slapped on the 1/8″ guide and went nuts.  Some people like this look, more don’t.  For me, in my current state of mind, it works.

Friday night I was awakened several times by thunder, there were some strong storms blowing through.  When I got up at 4:45 the rain had stopped but it looked like only recently as the roads were soaked. I wasn’t all that thrilled with driving the SSR up 75 on wet, dirty roads but I knew it was going to be getting a bath regardless so it didn’t really matter.

The drive up to Siesta Key went fine, the SSR is very smooth and fast on the highway, I averaged 80+ for most of the ride.  I opted to keep the top up until I hit the Dunkin Donuts in Siesta Key.

I found a good spot to park next to an island, the other side of which was occupied by a Camaro 2SS/RS, obviously looking to minimize asshole exposure as I was.

As I walked towards the beach, I saw the surrounding park area had huge lakes of standing water.  Wow, it seems like it really rained there as well last night.

Well when I got up to the beach it was a flurry of sights and sounds.  The event organizers were desperately trying to “fix” the beach.  The standing water was not isolated to the park area.  Many parts of the wide and hard beach were under water as well, including many spots where nets for the tournament were located.  It looked like an awful mess.

Well the tournament organizers had engaged various pieces of power equipment in an attempt to combat the soggy sand.  They had 3 or 4 ATV’s pulling graters around.  They also had a gas post hole digger and fire hose.   They would dig a deep hole and insert the one end of the hose in it,d dragging the other end far off the courts to relocate water.

I was impressed with their efforts but I knew there was no way we were starting on time, it was a huge undertaking.

They had clip boards out with assigned net numbers.  Tabby and I were assigned to court 37.

I decided to walk over there and take a look.  I laughed out loud when I saw our court. It was one huge lake.  There was no way they were going to be able to get it ready in time.

I texted Tabby and told him our court was underwater.  He arrived shortly afterwards.  He had driven over the night before and stayed in a hotel.  He confirmed that it absolutely poured all night long.

By this time I already had been mulling about for over an hour, watching the clean up activities taking place.  Little did I know I would be waiting much, much longer.

As we waited, Tabby went up to grab some of the complimentary water.  As he reached for a third water pouch (he was grabbing one for me too) he got reprimanded by one of the event staff, saying he shouldn’t take too many waters at a time.  WTF??

It was symbolic of how shitty this tour has become.

This tour, which I still refer to as the Bud Light Tour, even though Bud Light hasn’t been an actual sponsor for eons, used to really offer some decent value for the money when I first moved down here to Florida.  Not only did they give out free water without water police watching, they gave out free beer!  In addition the prizes they handed out were quite nice, nice enough to make you motivated to win even more than you normally would be. This tour also used to go  above and beyond with their tournament t-shirts, offering colored shirts with unique designs for each and every tourney.  They did all of this with an entry free that was somewhere around $50 a team.

Well fast forward to present day.  They have raised the entry fee almost 50% to $70 a team PLUS this tour now requires you to be a USA Volleyball member which costs an additional $20.  Instead of offering more for your money, they offer significantly less.  The only free thing you get is water and rationed water at that.  The t-shirt is now an ultra-low cost, low quality white variety with the same artwork for every tournament.  Oh and the prizes now suck as well, low quality crap that falls apart in a few months.  The only decent item given out is a volleyball if you win first place and how many volleyballs do you need?

About two and a half hours after I arrived the organizers got on the stage and made an announcement.  They said of the 40 nets they had set up, almost half of them are unplayable, despite their efforts.  They gave the players two options.  The non-open divisions could convert to a fours format instead of doubles, requiring less nets, or you could ask for a credit good towards a future tournament.

Well the crowd groaned at the announcement.  A huge portion of the players opted to bag it and take the credit.  Tabby and I probably would have done the same except he already had a hotel room booked and paid for Saturday night, he had nothing else to do.  I had nothing on the schedule until Saturday night so I said I would be down with playing fours as well, a format I haven’t played in forever.

The organizers said the teams that were interested in fours should team up and report in.  Well Tabby and I didn’t know anyone else playing in the A division so we just gave them our names and said we would play with whomever.  Well there happened to be another team that checked in right before us in the same boat so they became our new partners, Nick and Josh.

So when the brackets were finally established, which took quite a long time, it turned out we had a total of 4 teams of A 4’s.  We would be playing on one net.

By the time the first game got started it was after 11 am, ridiculously late, but at least we were playing and on a court that was in relatively good shape at that.

Both Nick and Josh were younger guys, I don’t know if either of them had their 25th birthday yet.  They brought with them three young cute girls as well.  I never got a firm handle on who was paired up with who.

Josh said that Nick and he played a whole bunch of indoor volleyball before but they only started playing beach ball last year.  Of course I noticed right away that Nick was wearing a Tough Mudder headband.  Evidently Josh and he not only did the Tough Mudder, they are basically mud race junkies.  He said on average they do two a month, wow.

In addition to their mud racing, Nick is a triathlete, sporting an Ironman tattoo after he completed the Louisville event.  It was cool being able to exchange stories with him about both mudder life and tri’s.

On the court we did pretty well.  All of us were sort of thrown off balance by playing 4’s, especially when you have never played with or met half of your team members.  We kept things basic, doing a full rotation where everyone plays every position, not a great formula for success but we went with it.

Despite not playing for almost exactly a year I felt pretty comfortable out on the court which kind of surprised me.  Playing fours does take some of the pressure off since you have more bodies covering the same area normally covered by only two.

We wound up losing our first game by a couple points (rally to 28), but it didn’t really bother me.  After all that lead up to us actually getting out on the court, I was happy to just be playing.

The girls that Nick and Josh brought did a nice job of being our official team cheerleaders, cheering loudly and offering encouragement throughout the game.

During the first game I had a foot collision with a guy on the other team at the net.  I was rushing in to hit a low set and he was planted there to block.  My toes smashed into the side of his foot.  It hurt, but I didn’t pay much attention to it at all.

Well after the game I happened to glance down at my left foot and saw this. It looked like I was beating on three of my toes with a hammer.  My second toe was the worst as blood was seeping around the toenail. It was gross.

I was surprised that I was able to play more or less unencumbered despite the mangled toes.  Evidently those three toes serve little functionality when it comes to playing beach volleyball.

As we watched the other two teams on our net it became apparent that there were no weak teams playing, I am pretty sure that everyone that agreed to play 4’s signed up for A doubles, not BB.

One of the teams had one of the dreaded father/young son phenom combos on it.  The dad was a real strong player, evidently he plays AA skill level or higher normally.  His kid whom I can’t believe was more than 12, was a great player with setting skills that far eclipse mine.  Playing 4’s was actually perfect for him as he could be the full time setter with little penalty to the rest of the team.

Our second game was against that team. Once again the game was pretty tight but again we came out on the losing end.  Personally I was still playing well so the eventual game outcome didn’t concern me all that much.  Both Tabby and I agreed that it was too bad we weren’t playing doubles because we would have probably done pretty damn well.

So our last match in pool play was against another good team that happened to lose their first two games by a narrow margin as well. (every game during pool play was close, no blowouts)  We tried mixing things up this game, making Tabby the designated setter since he was the best setter by far out of the four of us.  He said he didn’t mind setting full time.

He did a nice job of setting but we wound up losing yet another close game, mostly on the back of unforced errors, including a number if missed serves. (which I had none of all day)  There was a funny moment in that game where the tall, big hitter on the other team, whom was drilling balls all game, hit another rocket right at me.

I crouched down to dig it but the ball was coming so fast it got there before my arms were extended.  I wound up catching the ball dodgeball style instead, it looked funny.

So we weren’t sure if we were going to be involved in the playoffs or not, with a single, 4 team pool sometimes they let all the teams participate in playoffs.  Nick and Josh asked if we wanted to get out on the court for a bit while it was figured out to play doubles, like we were supposed to.

In a way it seemed like a way to prove which team was the reason we were 0-3 in pool play.  Well I think we got the answer.  Tabby and I were ahead 15-9 by the time we had to stop for playoffs to begin.

So we found out we did indeed get to play in the playoffs, albeit against the father and son team whom was undefeated.

We saved our best game of the day for last.  We really made some nice plays and I was really hitting well when I had the opportunity.  My arm felt very lively.

The playoff game, which was to 21, was tied 19-19.  I was so hoping to get a chance to crush a couple balls to give us the win.  Instead, the last two plays didn’t involve me at all and we wound up going down for the fourth time of the day, 21-19.

Oh well, despite the goose egg,  I walked away from the day feeling really no remorse.  Considering the circumstances I played really well.  If I play well and we still lose, then it bothers me much less.  If I stink up the joint and lose I take it much harder.  And that isn’t to say anyone on out team stunk up the joint.  It was just very evenly matched, good competition all afternoon long.

I had some time before I had to head for home to go to the Tarpons game so I stayed to ref the next match which turned out to be the first blow out of the day with the old guys dominating the big lunk team, 21-5.

I set up my Flip cam and stubby tripod to tape the pool play matches.  It’s a far cry from the good old days of Ali footage that included panning, zooming and cutting out the time in between action but you can see generally what is going on.  I have the first two games posted here and here.  I will get the third one posted later this week.  Even if you get bored with the volleyball, listening to the girls commentary and the occasional rear end walking by helps make up for it.

Some new winning volleyball tips from this weekend have been added here.

I packed up my stuff, thanked Tabby and limped out to the SSR, my bloody toes were starting to hurt.  I texted Ali and told her we should still be a go for the Tarpons game.

The drive home I think I actually made better time than the drive up.  I nestled in with a convoy of vehicles that were cruising around 85 mph.  I made it back from Siesta Key in about 90 minutes.

On the drive home I had an unwelcome visitor to the SSR dashboard, the check engine light.  Geezus Cripes, I thought to myself, can’t I get a f’ing break with the automotive issues!!??  I am hoping the light is related to a loose gas cap since I filled up that morning for the trip.  I haven’t had time yet to throw my code reader on the truck.  It drove fine otherwise.

So I got home, threw the stuff that was in the truck on the garage floor and headed right to the shower to clean up.  Looking in the mirror revealed that the spray on, 70 SPF sunblock appeared to work.  My scalp, which was exposed all day didn’t even look pink thanks to me spraying the gunk generously on my head.  Washing my bloody toes was a bit painful.  They sure looked broken but I was able to wiggle them so maybe they were intact after all.

By this time it was right around 6, the game started at 7:30.  I jumped right back in the van and headed over to Ali’s place. She was nice enough to drive us to the game in the Camry, I was beat.  I told her I would be happy to pay the $5 parking fee this time, not wanting to do more walking than was necessary.

I had not bought tickets ahead of time so we were walking towards the ticket booth.  As we did we were stopped by a guy asking if we needed tickets.  Skeptical, I said yes, we didn’t have any yet.  He said that he is one of the sponsors of the Tarpons and he had a bunch of tickets he was just giving away.  He showed me the tickets and then gave me a business card of his  for the legal service he provides.  He just asked that we visit the web site on the back to which I said “sure, no problem”.  I was still a bit skeptical this was legit but when the two tickets got us in the door my skepticism faded.  Wow, we actually got free tickets, sweet.

Well I wanted a beer and some food before anything else.  We stopped at an Italian stand near our section.  For some reason I thought they sold Papa John’s mini pizzas there.  The woman behind the counter said they do not but the single slices they sold were really nice and big.  Ok, give us two slices.

What we were handed almost seemed like a joke.  The slices looked like shit.  They were small and looked to have almost every speck of moisture baked out of them.  Ali’s also looked a bit mangled.  In retrospect I should have been more of a prick about it and asked for slices that didn’t look like red cardboard but I was hungry, thirsty and just wanted to sit down and relax.

So we walked into the breezeway of the stadium.  I had my slice of shitty pizza in one hand and my beer in the other.  I needed a third hand to pull out my free tickets.  Since I was lacking the necessary appendage I decided to balance the plate on one arm while reaching in my pocket for the tickets.  Well in short order the pizza became unbalanced and dropped on to the black, disgusting cement by my feet.  In my attempt to prevent the drop I also spilled a good portion of my beer as well.

Well without hesitation, I swooped down and picked up the pizza and slapped it back on the plate.  My instant analysis was the rock hard pizza landed crust side down, limiting the ability for microrganisms and bacteria to penetrate it.  Plus I grabbed the pizza well within the 5 second rule parameters.  Ali of course was grossed out beyond belief and offered to walk back and ask if they would swap out pizza slices.  I told her to not bother, I was fine.

So once we sat down and I did a quick visual spot check on the bottom of the pizza, I ate the entire thing, washing it down with what remained of my Bud Light.  Yea typing this out makes me realize just how gross that actually was. As far as I know the floor of arenas are typically not cleaned, ever.  At least to this point, I have had no side effects from the dirty slice.

The game itself was sort of a joke.  It was the final regular season game.  The Tarpons were still undefeated and the team they played from Western Pa, was winless.  Not only were they winless, they had some awful looking purple uniforms.

It didn’t take long to see why the Phantoms were winless.  On the first play from scrimmage the Tarpons sacked them for a safety.  Then on the kickoff, the Tarpons ran it all the way back for a touchdown.  It was like that the entire game, I believe the final score was something like 91-16.

Despite the lopsided contest on the field I generally had a good time just hanging out.  I had a couple more beers and went back and got Ali and myself another slice of pizza from the other end of the arena.  The quality was much improved and I didn’t even drop it this time.

We didn’t do any seat jumping this time around.  Our free seats were good enough and to be honest, the place is small enough that there really are no bad seats anyway.

We left a little after 10pm with a little less than 10 minutes to go in the game.  The game was already well beyond over at this point anyway.  The Tarpons begin the playoffs in a couple weeks.  I may try to go to the game if I can.

So when we got back to Ali’s place we made arrangements for me to come back the next morning to pick up the dogs.  Ali was going to go to work on Sunday and I planned to mostly work on the truck during the day so I figured the dogs could hang with me.

After a much needed good night’s sleep I jumped in the van and got the dogs.  After completing any remaining house chores I started on the long awaited and somewhat dreaded, starter project.

When the Tacoma starter died in 2007 I remember contemplating doing the job myself.  After looking at the tight working space and not doing any research on the internet about it, I decided to just pony up the money and pay someone else to do it at that time.

Well my financial situation is a lot different in 2012.  Wherever I have an opportunity to shave money off my expenses I need to do it.  Doing this job myself would save me roughly 250 bucks.  After looking into the procedure pretty thoroughly I determined I should be able to pull the job off with the addition of a couple tools, a long ass socket extension and a swivel socket, both of which I bought at Sears earlier in the week.

The job had it’s peaks and valleys as I expected.  The biggest f up was when I mistakenly thought the bolts that hold the solenoid cap on the starter were the bolts that held the starter to the motor.  I spent a good 20 minutes carefully removing them unnecessarily.  Eventually I found the correct bolts and was quite glad I had my swivel socket and extension, doing the job without them would have been close to impossible.

Once I got the old starter out I tried sliding the solenoid cap off of it to see if I could look at the internal contacts that were most likely the problem.  Once I got the solenoid cap loose I couldn’t see the contacts and I also couldn’t push it back together.  I said f it and left it that way since I was going to just be giving the old starter to Autozone for the core charge.

The girls were excited to go on yet another ride in the van to go get the new starter.

I was a bit bummed that the closest Autozone to me did not have a starter in stock.  The guy said they sold the last one the day before.  He called the next closest store and verified that they had one, which they did.  For my trouble he told the other store to give me a 10% discount on the part, sweet.

I walked out of the second store having only dropped $92 for the new starter, which included a set of body fastening connectors, a nice deal.

Reinstalling the new starter was a bit of a challenge.  The first challenge was getting the starter into place.  To do so required bringing the starter up from the bottom of the vehicle in an upright position and then carefully rotating it in just the right way so it would go back into it’s mounting position.

After that I had to get the two bolts back in that hold it in place.  I had an issue with the top bolt.  It almost felt like the top hole in the starter wasn’t threaded properly.  I started encountering a lot of resistance while cranking it earlier than I should have.  I turned on that sucker hard and was only able to get the bolt close to but not quite snug.  Although the starter feels plenty secure I think I am either going to use a nut for a washer or get a shorter bolt so it is attached as it should be.  I don’t like half assing a repair if I am going to spend the time to do it.

Speaking of half assing, I managed to break the outlet off the back of the air box when I was removing the tube that runs between it and the throttle body.  For now my solution is duct tape but I am hoping to find a used box cheap somewhere in the future.

Replacing the starter was INCREDIBLY dirty work.  The Tacoma slowly leaks various fluids at this point in it’s life so the area I was working with was a greasy, oily mess.  By the time I was done my hands and forearms were pure black.

So anyway, eventually I got it done, stuff hooked back up and was able to do the big test, turning the key.  I held my breath and then exhaled when the truck turned over and started normally on the first try, success.

I got done just in time.  About 15 minutes after I got the last tool put away it started to downpour.

I videoed the starter repair as my automotive repair videos typically garner a decent sized YouTube following.

I was dead tired after a day turning wrenches under the truck in the hot driveway.  I asked Ali if instead of me getting back in the van and driving the dogs to her place, if she would mind driving out to the house to pick them up.  I sweetened the deal by offering to provide pizza for dinner.

I could tell she wasn’t thrilled by the idea but she agreed to come out, she knew I was beat up from volleyball before throwing the truck repair on top of things.

So by the time she got out there I already had burgers for the dogs made and cooling on a plate.  I made their supper and then used the burgers as a garnish, a combo both of them found quite tasty.  After the pizza came out of the oven Ali and I ate it while catching the season premiere of Master Chef.

When she was ready to go both of the dogs were looking quite comfortable.  Ali asked if I wanted the dogs to sleep over and I could just drop them off Monday morning on the way to work.  I said of course I was fine with it if Ali was.  Ali likes having the dogs with her at night.

So it was decided, it was officially a dog sleepover night.  Sadie snored happily next to me.  It was nice to wake up to the two black and furry faces.

I dropped them off this morning as planned.

I am pretty gimpy today between my smashed toes and normal muscle/knee soreness that accompanies rare volleyball action.  None of the pains feel like they are the type that will last beyond a few days.








Rare Sears sighting, around the lake, wet wall, all cc all the time

So after doing my research into what I would need to be successful in replacing the starter on my Tacoma, a 14 MM swivel socket seemed pretty important.  I decided after work to do something I haven’t done in at least a half decade, set foot inside the walls of the local Sears.

I do the vast majority of my item shopping online and the vast majority of that via Amazon since I get free two day shipping thanks to my Amazon Prime account and the points I accrue on my Amazon Visa card.  Going to an actual store just happens very infrequently unless that store is a Home Depot or Lowes.

Well Sears is famous for it’s Craftsman tool line.  I figured I would be able to find what I needed in their huge tool department.  I did indeed and then some.  In addition to the 14mm swivel socket I picked up a three pack of universal swivel sockets one for 1/4″, 3/8″ and 1/2″ drives which will give me some flexibility (no pun intended) going forward.  I also grabbed a 20 inch extension since it was advised that using a long extension will allow you to remove the one starter bolt from the front of the engine bay.

I took a few extra moments to look in wonder at the rest of tool section.  Man I could have some fun in here…

After Sears I had to make another stop at Sam’s Club to both dump some cheap gas in the thirsty party van and pick up a few items in the store.  One of those items was fish oil tablets that are used in the dog’s dinner prep.  Ali was out of them so I told her I would drop them off.

Of course the girls were happy for my unexpected visit.  Before I left I helped Ali take them on a walk around the lake, albeit a hot and sweaty one since I had my work clothes on which included a dark colored long sleeve shirt.

When I got home I quickly made a wrap for dinner and then got busy on some chores.  I wanted to clean Tuki’s cage and get the indoor plants watered.  While I was watering the plants I had a DOH moment.  Two of the pots are rather large with a hole in the bottom and a base underneath.  What I do is put one in the sink, drench it, let it drain and then drench it again.

Well for some reason I didn’t let the one plant drain very long before putting it back in it’s base and back on top of the kitchen cabinets.  I placed the other big pot in the sink and started watering it.  Well I heard a sound like water running behind me.

I spin around and see a stream of water running down the front of the cabinet doors and pooling on top of the fridge.  DAMN IT!  So I quickly grab some rags and throw them on top of the fridge and then grab the heavy, still leaking pot and lift it back to the sink, spilling more water as I did so.  I was pissed. I have pulled this stupid move before and each time I do I wonder how I manage to do it.  I utilized several big towels until I had all the water cleaned up.

I got a nice surprise in the mail when the electric bill arrived.  Last month my $120 bill was the lowest ever.  I fully expected May’s bill to be more, after all it was hotter in May.  A big smile crossed my face when I pulled the bill out and saw $110! Wow.  I was really, really surprised but I’m not complaining.

I saw one of my FB buddies post a little while back how he has managed to have almost every one of his monthly expenses billed to his credit card, which he pays off monthly.  The advantage to this is not only convenience but also accumulating CC rewards points.

Well I need to do the same thing.  I have a number of things that I pay via an EFT from my bank.  I do it that way just because it has been done that way forever.  Well when I add it up, I am missing out on a ton of potential Amazon spiff points by this practice.

Last week I started billing my home owners insurance to the card and yesterday I added my cell phone bill to the list.  I will be looking at every monthly bill I receive and if possible move them to automatic CC billing.  Damn I wish I could slap my mortgage payment on the card.

There is one drawback to this strategy, you lose a bit of control.  If for some reason there is a dispute about a bill you lose some leverage as the company/utility has been authorized to pull whatever funds they deem proper from your CC.  Of course I can still dispute charges and even take action on a charge via my CC company if things get ugly I suppose.  My dad, who is all about fighting the evil empire, refuses to give a credit card number to any business that bills on a regular basis.

So tomorrow I will be pulling out early in the SSR for Siesta Key to play in a volleyball tournament with Tabby.  Last year I played in the same tournament and we won the BB skill level.  Tabby asked if I minded playing the next level up, A, this time around.

I told him that was fine with me although his expectations should not be very high since the last time I literally touched a volleyball was June 2011 when I played the Rumble with Charlie.  Yea, me and volleyball just don’t seem to cross paths much anymore.

Jeremy has predicted that Tabby and I will unable to muster more than two wins in A ball.  He may be right but I hope to prove him wrong obviously.

The Florida Tarpons who are still undefeated, play their final regular season game Saturday night.  I told Ali that if I get home in time I’d like to go to the game and asked her if she wanted to come.  She said she would.  We’ll have to see how long my day on the beach goes.

My Sunday is going to be packed.  On top of doing whatever I have to do at the house I plan to rip into the Tacoma starter replacement project in earnest.

Starting starter, beam it, fly me to Mars

So when I got home last night I put my battery back into the Tacoma and turned the key.  It didn’t start.  However after several more turns of the key the truck fired up normally.  Well I have seen this before, the starter is f’d up, great.

I checked my records, I recalled having the starter on the Tacoma replaced once before.  In fact it was one of the first things that went bad after my 5 year extended warranty on the truck I bought expired.  It was replaced in 2007 for about $360.  Well my money situation was a lot different in 2007, throwing another $300-$400 for another starter isn’t something I take lightly anymore.

So I turned to my personal mechanic, the internet, to research how painful the repair process is.  One thing that jumped out at me immediately is replacing the entire starter is actually not necessary in the vast majority of the cases.  The problem is almost always the copper contacts inside the starter get corroded and/or worn. Fixing a problem starter can be as simple as opening up the starter and replacing a $10 pair of contacts.  However most garages will never do that. For them it is easier and faster to throw a rebuilt starter in there.  It’s faster and gives them more opportunity to mark up the price of the part.

So now I started looking at info on how the actual starter is removed on my truck.  I found several forum posts that talked about my model truck specifically and a few videos that covered similar models.  It seems like as in many automotive repair jobs, having the right tools makes a huge difference in the difficulty you will encounter.  The problem is I am not sure I have the right tools.

Some guys mentioned a 2 foot socket extension and swivel sockets.  Well I have an 18 inch extension and wobble sockets, hopefully they fit the bill.  I have no doubt there will be a point in the process I will curse myself for not just paying a garage to do it but I also know when I do finally get it, pride will follow for doing it myself and saving a couple hundred bucks in the process.  Of course my plan is to video the repair process.

Now I could probably still drive the Tacoma in it’s current state and be ok for a little while, just requiring a few extra turns of the key to get it started.  There are some risks though.  I may just not be able to get it started at all or worse, the starter gets stuck in the on position.  If that happens the starter can quickly overheat and even start a fire unless you can quickly pop the hood and  pull the negative battery lead.  The last thing I need right now is to send my Tacoma up in flames. I have already had one vehicle burn up in my lifetime, it isn’t a fun experience.

So for the past couple days I have been enlisting the 15 mpg party van as my daily driver.  Since I won’t have time to address the starter before the weekend I will more than likely wind up taking the SSR up to Siesta Keys.

There are good and bad things about taking my baby to the vball tournament.  Obviously any long road trip in the R is fun, especially if I drop the top.   On the downside, long trips up 75 means the truck will get a bug facial.  I also am not thrilled with parking the truck in the parking lot by the beach which will have every spot occupied by the time I leave, which raises the “asshole slamming a door into the truck” probability.  Then there is throwing my sweaty, dirty, sandy body inside for the trip back although I do have waterproof seat covers to ease that pain.

The truck needs a bath anyway so I will probably just take it on the road trip.

Yesterday I discovered an awesome site,  Everyone knows it can be a pain in the ass sometimes to send files to other people, especially larger ones that don’t play nicely with email.  Well this site makes it incredibly easy.  It requires no account at all, no money and no hassle.  You simply select the file you want to send to the other person, copy the URL that is provided to you to the other person, and you are done.  Try it out, it’s very handy.

Yesterday I was reading about a planned mission to Mars by an organization called Mars One.  In a nutshell, their goal is to have human beings living on the surface of Mars by 2023.  Reading through the site was fascinating to me.  They seem to have a very clear plan laid out of how they are going to get there.

One of the big things that this plan has that most other proposed Mars missions do not is this would be a one way trip.  The people that would embark on this journey would be committing to living the rest of their lives on Mars.  This game plan makes the reality curve of this project much more doable.

Take some time and read about how it is all supposed to go down, it’s amazing stuff.  I would seriously throw my name in there, I can’t imagine a better way to play out the twilight days of my life, realizing a dream I had since my earliest days.

Unfortunately since a 10 year training program is part of the deal that would put me squarely into my mid 50’s before I would even leave terra firma.  Even so, when they start taking volunteers in 2013 (if the world doesn’t end first) my name is going on the list, seriously.

Just think of the perks.  You only have to deal with a few people, there is always something to do and just imagine how many pull ups I could do in low Mars gravity.

No more dots, muscial recliners, clean cut

So I left work early yesterday to meet the guy that was repairing my tv.  I was amazed at how polite this kid was, something I just am not used to.  I helped him lift the tv onto the floor so he could get access to the back of it.  In total he may have spent a half hour swapping out the DLP chip.  I was glad to hear that the replacement chips are engineered for better heat tolerance which is what evidently kills the original chips.

Once he was done with the swap we lifted the tv back into place and fired it up, no more dots, sweet.  I thanked Chris for his good work and sent him on his way after paying the $200 bill.

After he left I dug into an unplanned project.

My $200 Craigslist sofa and love seat has served me well since Ali moved out.  However there was one thing that has annoyed me.  The one recliner in the sofa has a cut across the foot rest.  The mechanism for the foot rest seems a little screwed up too.  When it is extended it has an obvious tilt to the left.

This wouldn’t be a huge deal except that  it just happens to be the recliner that sees the most use since it is next to the end table where I will eat while watching tv.  It annoyed me.

Well the other day I lifted up the love seat to look underneath.  I wanted to see how they were connected.  I was surprised to find that apparently all that held them together were 4 screws that attach to a metal frame underneath.  It seemed to me that in theory, I would simply be able to pull out these screws and then swap the right recliner on the love seat with the right recliner on the sofa.

Well for once, my theory proved to be correct the first time.  In about 15 minutes I had the two pieces swapped out with very minimal effort.  I enjoyed my straight, rip free seating position while I watched Hatfield & McCoy’s episode 2 last night.

I also completed mowing and weed whacking the property last night as planned.  The skies looked like they could open up at anytime but thankfully it held off.

I had one more another spur of the moment mini-project.  You may recall that I said that I wasn’t thrilled with the dip in the long edge of the new castle stone border I placed around the pool.  I decided to address it.  I pulled up about 5 or 6 stones and adjusted the fill underneath them so the dip more or less disappeared.  It looks better now.

I came out to my truck this morning to what appeared to be a bad battery.  It didn’t even click when I hit the key.  I quickly pulled the battery out and threw it in the van, surprised a battery that was a little more than a year old would be dead.  Well, it wasn’t.

When I took it to Wal-mart to get it replaced under warranty they threw a tester on the battery.  It came back as totally fine.  Well that is good and bad news. The good news is I don’t have to buy a battery the bad news is something else could be wrong.

I am hoping the lack of starting is due to a loose connection or corrosion on the terminals.  I am hoping that tonight after thoroughly cleaning both the truck will return to life.  I am not looking for another bill right now.



Spring, All Xbox all the time

So I found out the spring that broke on the SSR is actually a pretty common occurrence.  It is a spring that simply adds additional resistance to the clutch pedal.  I saw that many guys have intentionally removed this spring for better clutch feel.  For now I think I am going to just leave the spring out to see if I like the feel more or less.  If I decide I like a stiffer pedal I can get a new spring for around $10.

Last night I watched the Game of Thrones finale.  Overall it was good but there are just so many damn story lines going on it is hard to give each one adequate attention in a 60 minute show.  I will be looking forward to see who dies next as season 3 unfolds.

I followed up watching the first of a three part mini-series, the Hatfield’s & McCoy’s based on a recommendation from my buddy at work.  Despite having some impressive cast members, including Kevin Costner and Bill Paxson, it isn’t the type of of subject matter I would normally be interested in watching.  Well I was glad for the recommendation, it’s good so far.  I never had any background on the Hatfield & McCoy story before.

At this point I use my Xbox much more than my Tivo for viewing entertainment, it isn’t even close.

As I was watching the shows I was using my roller to once again roll out my lower body, it didn’t hurt as badly as the first time I did it which is a good thing.  One thing I did notice as I was rolling around was the carpet felt dirty.  I promptly pulled out the steam cleaner and quickly gave the great room carpet area a quick bath.  It felt much better afterward.

I am going to be playing volleyball this upcoming weekend with Tabby.  That means a good portion of my Saturday will be consumed by the thrill of competition, and travel to and from Siesta Key.  In order to make the second half of my weekend not a chore filled pain in the ass, I hope to get a lot of stuff done after work during the week.  One of those things is mowing the grass.  If the weather holds up tonight I will be spending this evening in the seat of the tractor.