Dumping Duf67, 50-1, MOP, D Daycare

Yesterday Ali asked me if I could pick up the dogs from daycare since she was going to be tied up at work until later.  Luckily I didn’t have plans last night so I could do it.  This was the first time I set foot inside the place.  I told the girl at the front desk I was there to pick up Nicki and Sadie. She headed into the large area that holds most of the dogs.

As I looked around the place it seemed nice enough.  The only thing I didn’t like was what my ears were hearing.  The area where the girls were kept was very noisy with dogs barking non-stop.  I mentioned to Ali that the noise level reminded me of a kennel.  To be fair, employees were walking around in the room at the time which may have been prodding the dogs to bark more for attention.  But the idea that Nicki particularly (Sadie adapts to anything) could be exposed to that noise for long periods of the day did not give me the warm and fuzzies.

Ali said that the dogs are interacted with and in different areas of the place throughout the day.  When Nicki and Sadie were brought out they were excited of course and seemed fine, not overly stressed out.  I took them back to Ali’s place and walked them quickly before heading out.

Last night I made a continuous push up attempt and posted it on my new YouTube channel.  In related news I also created and posted my last video on my old, Google AdSense banned channel.  The video is intended to steer my nearly 200 subscribers to my new channel.  It seems to be working as I woke up this morning with over 25 notifications of people signing up for my new YouTube home.

I have been working diligently on moving and relabeling my video library over to the new channel.  I moved everything I had in one spot on my system over but that only totaled 230 videos, my old channel had 356.  I have some OLD stuff that I will either have to download from the old channel and re-upload or find it in whatever directory it is hidden in.  Much of it is old volleyball and RC hobby stuff that I cut my YouTube teeth on years and years ago. I also don’t have any of the epic animated Jmo’s World on the new channel.

Doing this migration has exposed some of the weird ways that YouTube tries to flag video content on the fly.  For instance, when I uploaded my Tough Mudder and latest head shaving video (both large view grabbers on my old channel), they were both flagged as “needing more information” in order to monetize them.  Normally everything I upload is enabled for monetization because I have it turned on as a default.

Well obvious things can flag a video as not being defaulted to making cash like having a music track in the video.  Hell they will flag a video even if there is faint music playing on a radio in the background.  Well evidently they also will flag a video simply based on keywords in the video title.   As I mentioned above, these two videos were not turned on for ads.

So I did an experiment.  I deleted both of these videos, renamed them to something generic and shipped them back up to YouTube.  Monetization for both of them worked just fine.  I then went in and changed the name, added descriptions and meta tags as I normally would and everything all was still well.  Hopefully it stays that way.  My new channel just crossed 1000 total views, now it’s only 324,000 behind my old home.

Today is the release of the new WoW expansion.  Long time blog readers may have noticed that I talk about WoW very infrequently anymore.  That is because I play it much less.  Hell I didn’t play it at all for between 4 and 5 months.  With the new expansion coming out I started to play a bit within the last 2 weeks, trying to get the last of my 10 characters up to max level of 85 before the hamster wheel is once again reset. (new cap is 90)

I haven’t even purchased the expansion yet, until I get my last virtual self to 85 I won’t bother.  Of course this expansion promises a multitude of improvements, changes and new content to explore, just like all of the previous expansions to the game have promised.

My excitement level for the “new” game is mild at best, just as my overall interest in video/computer games has consistently declined as I inch closer to half a century on the planet.  I just have a lot of other stuff to do, most of it much more productive than building up a virtual self to be the best he can be.  I have enough things to improve in my real existence as is.