More sucking, k.i.s.s., biggest for Bernie

u_10125353[1]I neglected to mention that we added a Dyson V6 to our already massive floor cleaning army recently.  Now you may ask why I would need this with two vacuum robots and three hard floor cleaning bots.  The answer is very simple, corners.

Although the bots do a decent job of cleaning the main surface areas they can not get into corners or other tight spaces.  I have a small 10 year old corded Dyson that up until this point was what I had to use in these situations.  It’s a pain in the ass to lug it out of the closet, unwind the cord, plug it in and convert it to wand mode to clean spots like this only to have reverse the process when you are done.  As a result these nook and crannies don’t get attended to as often as they should.

The Dyson V6 removes all of these obstacles.  Pull it off it’s wall charging station and you are ready to suck and suck hard.  Despite it being a battery powered device it has VERY powerful suction.  When you squeeze the trigger it sounds like you are holding a small jet in your hand.  It comes with a number of tools that allow it to be useful in a bunch of situations.  You can remove the long tube altogether if you are doing something like cleaning out the car.    The box states that the V6 actually has more suction power than a lot of it’s plug in counterparts.  After seeing it first hand I don’t doubt that claim at all.

13062483_10154680163667841_8005274672097033895_nSo despite my desire to keep plugging away at my Ninebot One rider training I decided to take a break last night to give my mildly sprained ankle a chance to heal a bit.  During the day Cindy stopped in at our local Sports Authority that is in it’s last week of business before they close the doors for good.  She scored some incredible deals with most everything in the store marked down 80-90%.  I now have an impressive array of body armor to hopefully minimize my Ninebot related injuries including a skateboard helmet, elbow and knee pads.  I also plan to get a cheap set of work boots to help protect/support my ankles.

I was doing more reading and thinking about the balance issues I have on the one wheel bot.  I started to think about if I am able to ride a bike slowly with my feet stationary.  Of course the answer is yes.  Although a bike has two wheels your brain is doing similar left right balance movements.  I need to put my mind more in bike mode when riding the One as front back balance is more or less handled by the internal gyroscope in the wheel.

I also realized I was handling leans/turns which lead to crashes wrong.  Again a bike analogy made sense here.  If you watched any of my learning videos you will see a common scenario is I get on and the wheel leans to one side or another and I can’t recover and fall off.  On a bike, if you are traveling slowly and start to lean to one side or another you steer into the direction of the lean to correct yourself.  So if you are wobbling to the left, a slight left turn of the wheel gets the bike back under you.

When I am on the Ninebot One I am trying to do all of my turning via leaning which works ok when you are cruising along but not at slower speeds.  What I need to be doing is turning the wheel into the direction I am leaning/falling into.  Your legs act almost like forks on the front wheel of a bike, you just sort of twist them to turn the wheel.  Now I have not gotten to put this new found revelation to a real world test but it makes perfect sense to me.  Hopefully it translates into less crashing and more cruising.

Cindy and I watched a good chunk of the DNC last night while we were in bed.  Some of it was awesome some of it wasn’t.  I didn’t particularly like the woman speaking at length about Trump University like it was a major reason to oppose him.  Donald Trump sold his name repeatedly over his career to many, many projects.  To confuse use of his name as him overseeing the daily operations and decisions made at this “university” is just disingenuous.  It’s like people that like to “Blame Obama” for pretty much anything negative in the country.  Your doctor didn’t call you back? Blame Obama! Cable bill is too high? Blame Obama! You hit a pothole in the street? Blame Obama!  My point is Donald has plenty of personal shortcomings to be critical of without having to try to pull in things he lent his name to as simple figurehead.

I thought Michelle Obama was nothing short of fantastic in delivering her speech.  I told Cindy I don’t think there has been another first lady during my life that would have been able to pull that off, including Hilary Clinton.  You can just tell she speaks from a sincere and true place.  Although I like and admire Elizabeth Warren I was not all that impressed by her speech.  I thought she sort of dropped herself down a few levels and delivered a speech that did not come off as sounding overly intelligent, instead resorting to a lot of tactics I’d expect from Trump with a lot of bashing meant to rile up simple thinkers.

It was pretty amazing when Bernie Sanders took the stage.  He got the loudest and longest applause of the night by far.  He tried a dozen times to start his speech and was drowned out by the thundering cheers of the crowd.  It was incredible as they panned the audience showing people literally in tears.  It was a very powerful moment.  These people felt so invested in Bernie and his unwavering, simple, and honest dedication to what he believes in.  With the revelation that the DNC was actively trying to influence the outcome of the primaries in Hilary’s favor it made the moment even more bittersweet.

His speech was filled with mostly the same points that he hammered home tirelessly during his campaign, most of which I support.  Even though he was unable to dismantle the HRC political juggernaut, his efforts have made a lasting mark on the American politics scene.  He showed that even with meager resources, a good person with the ability to communicate his message in a passionate way can still gain traction with the public, regardless of the media and even your own political party attempts to derail you.

Anyone else think Bill Clinton looks incredibly frail?