Expanded, Still struggling, Too old

Yesterday my additional parts for the new computer arrived,a NAND stick style SSD drive and an additional 16GM memory stick.  The SSD is  a Samsung which is Bthe ONLY brand of SSD I use.  I have had great reliability with them but the biggest reason is their migration software is fantastic and works perfectly everytime, making migration a piece of cake.  To make it all work I had to buy a cheap USB enclosure for the new stick and then transfer the data to it using one of the high speed USB ports.  The process took a little over an hour which wasn’t bad.  When I was finished I was up and running with 3X the space on my C drive than I started with.  Doubling up the RAM to 32GB was probably less necessary but can be useful for things like video editing/processing.

Later I got back into WoW to see if I could get it running smoothly.  The video card in this system is top tier so running an older game like WoW should be a piece of cake.  Well I fought on and off with it for about an hour trying various settings.  The only way I could keep the game running decently is by turning certain graphic features off or way down which is definitely not how it is supposed to be.  I should be able to max out everything without issue.  I need to load up another game to see how it responds graphically.  If it runs without issue at high settings then I at least know my issue is WOW specific and not a hardware problem.

I saw Bernie officially declared for the 2020 presidential race yesterday.  I love Bernie and I am pulling for him but I have to be honest, there is part of me that thinks he is just too old for the job.  He is currently 77 years old and would be scraping 80 by the time the election comes around.  Yes Bernie still has good energy and seems to have solid health but still, the demands of that job just do not seem appropriate for an octogenarian.  If Bernie was the only progressive candidate that has declared I may feel differently but there are several younger candidates with similar platforms that may be equally good options.

It is a bit disconcerting to see so many declaring so early. The end result must be strong support from the party behind a unifying candidate.  God knows Hilary better steer clear of 2020.  Her love/hate relationship with the country was responsible for letting Donald in the door, which will be looked back on as the most embarrassing presidency in the history of the United States. I know tons of staunch Bernie supporters were so pissed about how the DNC rigged the system in Hilary’s favor that they refused to vote for her, throwing their vote into the wind for the independent candidates or GASP, maybe even Trump as the ultimate FU.  Sanity must prevail this time around.