Merry Go Round
Yesterday was kind of crazy with a series of three showing requests coming in. One of them I was luckily able to reschedule so all three of the showings were in close proximity to each other. Because any showing requires me getting Elsa out of the house it’s going to require a fire drill for each and every showing unless it’s on a weekend. Yesterday I flew out of work around 3, quickly fed Elsa, picked up the house and headed out.
Elsa and I grabbed coffee and then went to visit Gladys’s family for several hours which was really nice. I had not seen them since before the holidays so it was great to catch up and hang out. Of course I got to spend a lot of time with sweet Leilani who has had her third birthday come and go since I saw her last, which made me a little sad. I used my Ring cameras to monitor the activity at the house, it was weird seeing people roaming your home.
The last showing cleared out around 7PM so Elsa and I said our goodbye’s and pushed back towards the homestead. I quickly made my dinner and ate it in front of the computer, something that is happening more frequently. I wound up having an unexpected 90 minute plus conversation with my buddy Troy last night. We basically never talk on the phone so it was unusual but welcomed at the same time. As much as I hate to admit it, there is something to be gained by voice communication that electronic communication can not replicate. We covered many topics.
This morning I got to sleep in a little bit since there was another showing at 9:15. Elsa and I piled in the truck shortly after 9AM to go grab coffee and hang out. My Ring cameras were once again my friend, letting me know they arrived late and left a little bit late as well. I got a call from realtor this morning telling me that two of the three buyers from last night actually submitted offers. The bottom line price they offered is something I would agree to but the terms of the agreement on both of them are not ideal for different reasons. I expect to make a counter offer on both however with the amount of interest that is going on, I am not very apt to give a ton away unnecessarily. I JUST got another showing request for this afternoon. The fire drill continues.