This past weekend I had

This past weekend I had an interesting thing happen. I was mowing the grass, sweating my ass off. I got up to a dug out drainage area that was almost dried up. As I walked by I noticed something moving. Upon close inspection I realized they were small catfish! I retrieved 8 of them! I put them in our small artificial pond. How they got there I have no idea. One theory is they fell out of the clouds during a storm. I have heard that fish (very small ones) can get pulled up into the clouds. Another is they were in the underground water table. One time I found a 6 inch long one in that same area that was dead already but I assumed it was dropped by a bird.

The wildlife down here has been one of the most interesting aspects of living in SW Florida. We regularly see things we never ever saw before right in our backyard.

Today is our 4 year anniversary. Dinner at PF Chang’s, some marital relations and Survivior is on the schedule. Fancy? No but we are happy. 🙂 4 years so far. We continue the celebration by playing a vball tournament this weekend in Siesta Keys. Should be fun. We watched the wedding video last night.

Only played 1 game of Warcraft last night. An ugly loss with another one of those annoying partners. You know they type that constantly bitch and spend more time telling you what to do instead of working together. I hate that shit. I am scratching my way towards being a .500 player. Need to win about 10 in a row to get there. They just released a 1.03 patch. This patch significantly lessens the powers of Shamans. Unfortunately using Shamans was one of the reasons I had been able to win a few games. Guess it is time to find a new strat.

Saw a sweet deal on Ebay on a Sony Vaio P4 2.4 ghz for $995. I’d love to pull the trigger but had to realize there are other things I need to put that money towards. 🙁

Yesterday Ali and I decided

Yesterday Ali and I decided to go practice for our upcoming doubles tournament at Lowdermilk Park, right by the gulf. Shortly after we started we saw a beautiful looking large bird flying overhead. Upon closer inspection we realized it was a bald eagle! We never saw one down here before and we weren’t aware that they even hung out in our neck of the woods. He landed on top of a tall tree and watched. As we practiced we started to realize how awesome it was to be practicing right by the beach, with pelicans flying overhead, the sounds of the water, right after work in the middle of October. It was one of those moments that reminded us of why we wanted to live here. We need to do it more often. Lately life seems like one long sweaty session of endless house projects, spending money, cleaning and maintenance.