Dexter, Deluge, Homeland

I watched episode one of this season of Dexter last night.  Damn, I have no idea where the story can go from here, the way it ended you would think it was a season finale, not a premiere.  It’s awesome to be able to watch shows like this in real time courtesy of  Xfinity online.  Shows like this (Showtime) can’t stream through the Xbox though, I need to watch them on my laptop or pc.

My property has once again transformed into swamplands after a day of rain that included several periods of intense downpours.  Yeah it’s annoying but dry season is right around the corner where we can flip pages on the calendar without seeing hardly a drop.

Last night I also got on the Homeland bandwagon, another show that people rave about.  I only watched the first episode but I can already see I will be into the show big time.

Yesterday I migrated my fitness blog, Dufisthenics off of onto my private hosting space.  Hosting the site on is convenient but it also is somewhat limiting.  You aren’t able to do much customization as plug ins aren’t allowed.  They also want to charge you to allow certain things to be done which can be done for free if you host it yourself.  They also do not allow you to run Google ads on their site.

In addition to the move, I installed a new theme.  I find the new lay out more visually appealing.

Unfortunately my exercise routines have been a bit sidetracked lately due to injury.  In addition to my right knee being always problematic to some degree, my left wrist is becoming a long term problem.

A wrist is a hard thing to let heal since it is used in so many ways and so often.  For now I am trying to avoid things that blatantly cause pain but at least thus far I am not seeing/feeling any significant healing taking place.

Speaking of blog facelifts, I think I will be bolting a new skin onto this blog as well.  The skin that is in place is admittedly boring and was hurriedly put in place when my site was hacked awhile back.  There are bunch of good looking free alternatives out there.

Tonight is the first presidential debate.  I really have no need to watch the debates as I don’t need to be convinced either way.  Even if I did need convincing, if I thought that anything either candidate SAYS in a debate really means that much in the end I would be sadly mistaken. If a candidates debate performance is the deal breaker for you I would suggest you do more research.

So after a ridiculous amount of waiting, unanswered phone calls, and emails, I finally got the paperwork for the extended warranty on the SSR sent to me.   After receiving them I was reading through the plan outline.  One thing that caught my eye was the “Maintenance Requirements” .   It said in there that you had to have receipts for certain maintenance items (like an oil change) and the receipts had to include the date and VIN number of the vehicle.

Well I have changed my own oil for years, not only to save money but also so I know it is done right after I had a Quick Lube place try to get away with not replacing the filter.  Plus who knows what type of oil they dump in your vehicle in a place like that, they dispense it from giant vats, it can’t be very good.

Anyway, I wanted to clarify that if I changed my own oil, I could be setting myself up for a fight if I submit a claim, so I called the customer service number for the warranty company.  I explained to the guy that I typically change my own oil.  I asked if I kept the receipts for the oil/filter if that would be sufficient to indicate proper maintenance was performed.

The answer I got back was annoying.  He basically said it may or may not be.  He said that it would only become an issue if they asked for proof of oil changes if an engine related problem was submitted.  It sounded like he was saying if I change my own oil I am rolling the dice as far as coverage goes, great.

So now for my next oil change I hope to find a place that will do the work for me and provide the proper documentation if I provide them with the oil and filter.  It’s an annoying hoop to have to jump through.

One is enough

When I got home last night I headed out back to repair screens.  When I got out behind the pool cage I noticed there was a 4th panel that starting to tear along the spline, great.  I started work on the worst panel, a low panel that was never touched before.

This panel was sandwiched behind two rose bushes so it was a rather large pain in the ass to work on.  Eventually I just learned to ignore the pain from being stabbed repeatedly by thorns.  By the time I was done with the panel I was already sweated through my shirt.

I stood up, looked at the two other problematic side panels and reclassified them.  The tears are not down the entire spline yet, only a small portion.  This enabled me to reclassify them as something I need to worry about in the future as opposed to right now.  I put my repair supplies away and headed inside for dinner.

Last night was spent as most evenings the past week have been, watching some of the Olympic coverage.  Last night the beach volleyball match between the US and Chinese women was REALLY good.  Both games were close and jam packed with back and forth rallies with Misty and Kerri pulling out the win in dramatic fashion.

I was too tired from my 3 AM wake up Tuesday morning to watch much after that.

Have you caught the new season of Breaking Bad yet?  I have been watching it via Xfinity’s Xbox app.  The show is so damn good.  The constantly morphing relationship dynamics among the characters is just so compelling for me.  Walt’s transformation is the most compelling of all.  It’s too bad this will be the final season.

Tonight’s activities will probably include mowing the grass, yay.  I just realized we are now well into August and I still have not had any standing water on the property this summer.  I’m not complaining, believe me but that typically is a future indicator of a drought filled winter.


Only “24” hours in the day

So last night I pulled a late night, 24 marathon to finish up season 4.  As with the previous three seasons I have seen, season 4 was filled with incredible action, suspense and a total disbelief that any human being could possibly endure everything that happens to Jack in 24 hours.  As unbelievable as the situations are it doesn’t stop me from finding the show very entertaining.  Hell I was so intrigued how they were going to continue the plot line I actually stayed up for the first episode of season 5!  I have no idea what time it actually was when I feel asleep but I know it was technically Tuesday.

Last night I did the juice/wrap dinner thing.  I came up with a really stupid idea in the process.  I thought instead of stirring hemp protein powder into the juice, I would just cut out the middleman and shove a heaping teaspoon of it in my mouth. Well it was pretty awful.

The mouth full of dry, green powder had no redeeming qualities besides the protein it contains.  I quickly grabbed a drink of water to wash it down.

I think the avocado I used in my wrap was on the verge of being bad, despite just buying it Friday.  It was very soft and did not look quite right.  I downed it anyway although I felt a little sick to my stomach afterward.

Grabbing the pole, let them eat cake

I felt like burning off some frustration last night so after work I headed outside for some bar work.  The sets had various exercises including quite a few on the pole portion of my high bar.  The hold in the picture is called a clutch flag.

I continued the body weight work later indoors on my parallelettes as I tried to get through some of the growing pile of Tivo recordings.  I actually am starting to just delete certain shows without watching them.  They were shows that Ali and I would typically watch together.  I have found some of them just aren’t all that fun to watch if you don’t have someone there to exchange commentary with so they have been dumped.

Last night the neighbor’s daughter knocked on my door and asked if I had any spare eggs, she was making a cake but was eggless.  Well I just happened to have a full carton of eggs that I planned to hard boil but had not gotten around to yet. I gave her 4 eggs and was rewarded a couple hours later with a piece of cake.  A fair trade if you ask me.

As I was in the office I saw Thina shoot by my window, evidently she managed to get loose and immediately came over to see her best friend (me).  Unfortunately just as I was getting up to go see her I saw the hispanic owner walking across my yard with leash in hand. He leashed her up and took her back to her unhappy home.

Today Howard announced his long time cherished bulldog, Bianca died.  He and Beth were very attached to the dog and Howard broke down repeatedly when he tried to talk about her.  Of course I immediately felt compassion for what he was going through, knowing and dreading how I will feel when that day comes for me.


Last night I headed outside for some work on my bars.  I didn’t have one piece of equipment with me that I normally do, my Flip cam.  I sort of decided that it isn’t necessary for me to film every time I go out there.  In a way I believe it is counter productive to do so.  I need to spend more time getting sets and reps in and less time doing video production work.  I’ll talk about this more in Dufisthenics, later.

I was clued in on a sci-fi series called Falling Skies on TNT.  The premise sounded kind of V like and I liked V.  In a nutshell, once again the Earth is invaded by hostile aliens with bad intentions.  The aliens are eons ahead of us technologically and the story revolves around a small group of people trying to fight on with mostly small munitions.

Right now I am in the middle of the two part series premiere.  I like the show but thus far it hasn’t grabbed me by the neck yet as a must watch thing.  I was a little discouraged when Jeremy told me he started watching the show last year but bailed after three or four episodes.  We’ll see if I have the same reaction.

A weird thing has happened with the flickering battery charge light problem on the Tacoma, it went away.  It seems like ever since the 4 days of rainy weather hit I haven’t seen the light come on once.  I did crawl under the truck during the weekend and verify the connection from the battery to the terminal on the starter was secure.  If the light returns once the rainy weather departs I am not quite sure what that will tell me.

My verbosity is a little thin today, my bad.



Last night after making an attempt at Bar-baric mode of this month’s challenge I decided to do another juiced meal.  Last night’s juice included carrots from the garden and an apple from the orchard.  I mixed in some organic spinach, tomatoes and beets for good measure.  It wasn’t bad at all.

My Tivo was getting a bit backlogged so I burned through an episode of AGT and American Ninja Warrior.  The episode of ANW I watched had a 51 year old guy competing which was awesome and inspirational.

I have resumed my quest to watch 24.  I am currently in season 4 or 5.  The good news is I like the show, the bad news is it makes me stay up late, wanting to see what happens next.  You just have to love the creativity Jack Bauer possesses.

For example last night he had to find a way to delay a terrorist so satellites could be repositioned to track the bad guys location.  So in a pure stroke of genius, Jack decides to stage a fake hold up of a convenience store that the terrorist stopped at.  Jack never runs out of good ideas.

Tonight on the way home I am going to make up for my healthy dinner on Monday by stopping by a pizza place for dinner.  A girls running group that Ali is involved in is doing a fundraiser there, I figured I would stop by briefly to support it.

Best Buy bent me, pop goes the spring, stoned

So I called up Best Buy on Friday to find out how to go about getting my 73″ inch Mitsubishi TV fixed under the $400, four year extended warranty I bought with the TV in 2008.  I explained the problem and then gave the woman on the phone the contract number.

After punching it in she says, I’m sorry, your warranty expired on May 6th.  I was immediately confused.  I explained to the woman that when I bought the tv I was told the warranty is tacked on to the factory one year warranty, giving me five years of coverage.  She explained that is not the case, the extended warranty overlaps the first year of factory coverage, her explanation being that it covers items the factory warranty does not.

Well of course I was quite annoyed being that I am 25 days outside of that 4 year period and that the warranty was misrepresented to me up front.  I expressed this to the phone rep multiple times and asked repeatedly for Best Buy to do something for me to remediate the problem.  She apologized and said there was nothing she could do.  Her only advice was I could go to the local store and talk to the manager there to see if I could get anywhere.  Well that is the last thing I felt like doing.

You see I already knew that I had the back up plan of getting the repair done by Mitsubishi at a reduced rate.  If I was looking at a $1000 repair I might have been more tenacious in my fight. So I hung up, called Mitsubishi and made arrangements to have the tv fixed for a flat rate of $200, including parts and labor, not a bad deal for a tv that is 3 years out of factory warranty.

So on Saturday I got busy around the house in the morning, hoping to knock out most of the housework before picking up the dogs, whom were doing a sleepover Saturday night.  The reason I wanted to get stuff done was to clear the slate to finish up the castle stone border around the pool landscape area.

I planned to pick up the remaining 25 stones I needed from Lowe’s since that is where I got the first 75 from.  I was annoyed that they just happened to be sold out of 12″ sand colored castle stones on Saturday afternoon.

So I hopped back in the truck and went over to Home Depot, luckily they had them and they were the exact same price.

As the dogs sat outside in the shade with me, I worked on getting the remaining stones in place.  Overall I think they look ok although there is a height change between the two side halves of the border that I am not thrilled with.  At least that is a job I should not have to revisit anytime again in my lifetime.  Once cool weather returns I will rip up the border around the pond and do the same thing.  All the pics from the project are here.

Saturday night I finished up season 2 of Boardwalk Empire. It was a surprising ending, it seems like half of the original cast is dead.  Season 2 definitely had more action and was better than season one.

While I was driving my SSR over the weekend I had noticed I was getting a clicking noise when I pushed in the clutch.  Well on an on ramp when I was stomping on it hard after shifting from 2nd to 3rd instead of a click, I heard a snap and something metal falling off.  I looked down in the foot well and saw a large spring that looks like it snapped.  Well the clicking noise was gone but the odd thing was everything still felt normal with the clutch.  I have not yet determined where the spring goes to, something else to fix. Yay.

The party van has a problem as well with the HVAC fan.  If you turn the fan speed to high it sounds like it is going to come through the dash, vibrating terribly.  If I keep the fan on the first two speed settings it seems ok.  So until I get inspired to look further into that repair I keep the fan dial turned to the left and just max out the secondary fan that blows cool air out the ceiling vents in the rear.

I had a nice Sunday with the girls.  After doing a bike/swim brick at the water park I was outside with them quite a bit.  They had dog smiles for most of the weekend.  They were especially big when I made them burgers for lunch on Sunday.

The reason I had them overnight was because Ali was doing the Naples Tri on Sunday morning.  She had a good showing, knocking somewhere around 10 minutes off her time from last year.  She was exhausted afterward.  I didn’t wind up bringing the girls back until dinner time.


Rough one, “Four” stars, no clapping, AGT still awful

So I was back and forth if I wanted to get up to do the club run Saturday morning.  My legs and rear end were still both quite sore from my leg work on Wednesday at the gym.  Well my exercise guilt won out and I drug myself out of bed to go to the run.

There was a big crowd at the club run this week, possibly the biggest I have seen to date.  Ali, Christy and Michelle were there as well.  I once again paired up with Matt and despite my legs feeling shitty, he drug me along to what I believe was my best time for the 7 mile route which surprised me.

I asked Ali if she minded if I picked up the dogs on the way home so they could spend the day out at the house, she said it was fine.  I had a productive day at home getting everything I wanted done, done.  For most of my time outside the dogs hung out there with me, laying in various shady spots.  It felt damn close to summertime hot out there.

After I got done I jumped in the pool and gave Sadie her first splashy splash session in a long time, she loved it of course.

I also gave the Tacoma a bath for the first in many months.  The truck does not get cleaned very often anymore since the exterior finish is a mess at this point from a decade plus in the Florida elements.  Even so, it did look a little better when I was finished.

I went an extra step and finally got around to using the headlight renewal stuff I bought months back.  The headlights on the Tacoma had that dull glaze that is so common.  After about 15 minutes of work I had both headlights looking significantly better.

On the way to drop the dogs off we made a pit stop at Pet Supermarket to get them some food.  In addition I couldn’t help myself, I had to buy the stuffed tick dog toy I walked by.  Ali laughed when I showed it to her.

When I dropped the dogs off it was right around 5:30. Ali said she bought the stuff to make some pesto pasta thing, so  she asked if I wanted to stick around for dinner.  I didn’t have anything planned for my Saturday night beside some Diablo 3 sessions so I said sure.  Ali said it was the first “dinner” she has actually prepared since living there. It was quite good.

After eating dinner I didn’t stick around too long.  I have been conscious of how much time Ali and I have been spending together thus far since we split up and although it is still quite comfortable for me to just hang out with her I don’t think it helps either of us do much moving forward.  So even though I would have been fine to hang around and watch some stuff on her DVR and hang with the dogs, I headed home.

Sunday morning I once again had another exercise session, this time doing a biking/swimming brick.  My average bike pace was a 1/2 mile faster than the week prior.   I increased the distance of my swimming from 1200 to 1600 meters.  I was happy with both of those results.

Once again I took the SSR and once again I was happy I did.

After I finished my swimming I hung out at the water park for a little bit, reading one of my magazines.  I peppered in people watching as well.

When I got home I was feeling really sleepy.  After I got done paying the bills I succumbed and laid down for a 2 hour + nap.

Sunday evening I made a lackluster attempt at the normal mode of this month’s Bar-barian challenge. I then threw in my current Netflix dvd rental, I Am Number Four.  I don’t recall what triggered me to put this in my queue but I had no big expectations for the flick.

Well it turned out to be something I really liked, hell I’d give it a solid A.  It has several elements that appeal to me, aliens, super hero powers, good looking women and a revenge storyline.  Rent it, you won’t be sorry.

As I am sure you have heard, Howard Stern, whom I have been a big fan of for over 20 years, and the only reason I endure shitty Sirius/XM radio,has joined America’s Got Talent as a new judge this season.

When the show first came out a few years ago I checked it out since it was getting big ratings.  I didn’t get it, I found the show INCREDIBLY annoying and overproduced.  After watching three or four episodes I never went back.

Well since Howard is now a judge I thought it had to be better, surely by now they got smart and made the show less annoying.  I set the show up for a season pass on my Tivo.  Well I barely made it through the two episodes so far, it is just awful, let me see if I can explain why.

The way they piece the show together is dreadful.  They do so many cut away shots between the judges, the host, the act and the audience you hardly ever get to just watch an act and make your own assessment.  Most of the acts they only show some brief highlights wedged in between the endless cut aways.  They have so many music beds playing on top of the judge comments and even the acts themselves that they could open up a hotel with them. They will also apply a video filter to certain aspects of the show to give it an epic, movie look which seems totally out of place.

I hoped that having Howard on the show would help negate all of this but his commentary was  butchered up and fragmented by the idiots in the editing room.  I found that he added very little to my enjoyment of the show.  I will suffer through a couple more episodes but I have a feeling even with Stern on, AGT it will be short lived in my season pass list.  I have too many potential good things to watch to waste my time watching that piece of shit.

It feels like it is produced for the absolutely dumbest segment of the American tv audience.

This past weekend has probably been my roughest emotionally since Ali moved out.  Why this would occur 6 weeks after her move out date is beyond me. I just felt sad, like I was mourning everything that had become routine and familiar over the past 15 years.    It seemed like everything I saw as I walked around the house triggered a “that was when Ali and I did this or that” response.  I just couldn’t get my mind out of that mode.

I know that wallowing in sorrow doesn’t do any good.  I just need to keep trying to reach outward and forward instead of retracting inward.   Isolating myself would be a very easy course of action after all.

I really miss the dogs.

Not much, SSR switch

Not much to report regarding last evening, I did my mini-workout when I got home which included crunches, static wall hand stand hold and elbow planche.  My dinner was some meatloaf mom kept for me and steamed broccoli from the garden.  After some WoW I watched some more Boardwalk Empire and the latest episode of Game of Thrones.  Both shows are very good in different ways.

I find it funny that my most favorite character on GoT is the dwarf.  This is the first show I can recall that has an adult little person in it as one of the lead roles.  The guy is damn good, I recognized him from Elf (dwarf child book author).

I forgot to mention that on Sunday I swapped out the ignition switch on my SSR.  Up until mid-model year of 2005, a defective version of this switch was put in the trucks.  The failure of these switches can cause any number of problems.  The general consensus is even if you haven’t had a problem yet, if your truck has one of the old switches in it, you should replace it anyway. So that is what I did.

Dicktator from SSRFantatics made a very good step by step how to on the procedure. Here is a link to a PDF version of the instructions that I made.  I decided to video tape the switch swap.  Other than my  successful, 60,000 view Tough Mudder video, my automotive maintenance videos are the most popular on my YouTube channel.

The most difficult part of the swap out was removing and re-installing the plastic cover that covers the lower half of the steering column.  I struggled quite a bit getting it off and on. It did not go back together cleanly, I have a small gap along the seam.  I think I may have damaged a tab when I pulled it off.

I also had the key, which is supposed to be in the RUN position for the entire procedure, in the wrong spot.  As a result when I first tested the switch everything was off by one click.  When I turned the truck off  it acted like the key was in the accessory position.  I fixed this by simply dropping the new switch down, putting the key in the proper run position and then clicking the switch back in place.

Anyway, if you are looking for the only known how to video on SSR ignition switch replacement, look no further.


3 very different games, number 60, seat Nazi’s, unsteady step, plug procrastination

So after my crazy road trip to Plant City on Thursday I designated Friday as chore day.  I wanted to get everything around the house done so my weekend was void of must do’s.

It really is amazing how much different cleaning is with one less person and two less dogs in the house.  The amount of scuzz that I pull out of the carpet is dramatically less and I didn’t even need to run the Scooba, the tile areas were totally fine.

It was also the first time I used my new mini-Dyson to vacuum the entire house.  It did just fine although there were a couple draw backs.  The smaller vacuum head means a lot more passes to cover the rug.  Also it’s smaller size translates into a shorter power cord, meaning I have to do more unplugging and plugging than I used to.  Neither thing is a big deal, just different.

Since I mowed on Tuesday I was totally done with everything by early afternoon.  I sat down and decided to peruse my newly connected HBOGO service on my 360 (courtesy of my buddies’ Comcast credentials)  I saw “Game Change” pop up, the movie about the 2008 presidential campaign and specifically that idiot, Sarah Palin.

Julianne Moore did a FANTASTIC job of portraying Palin.  Not only did she look like her she sounded almost identical.  Woody Harrelson was great as McCain’s campaign manager and Ed Harris made a pretty believable John McCain as well.

The movie did a great job of just portraying how overmatched Palin was being thrust into the role of potential VP.  Her overall lack of knowledge was comical as was the campaign’s staff realization that they were dealing someone that had no business being there.

I knew very early on that Sarah was a joke so this film did nothing but to reaffirm that existing opinion.  However if you are one of those people that still think Palin is the political answer to ANYTHING besides cancelled reality tv shows, please take two hours out of your life and watch the movie to free yourself of that silly belief. It gets an A.

I was unsure if I wanted to drag myself out of bed to do the club run on Saturday morning.  I was still feeling sleep deprived from the way my week went, especially Thursday when my day started at 4am and didn’t end until after midnight.

Well I set the alarm anyway and drug myself out of bed, cursing myself all the while.  I arrived at the start point of the run with 15 minutes to spare.  When I saw Christy and Michelle show up I figured since I was feeling like my batteries were half full, I would just run with Ali and them.  There was one problem, Ali wasn’t there. Ali came speeding into the parking lot just as the group had started walking out on to the main road.

So we started running at the rear of the pack.  I ran with the girls for a little bit but their pace was just a little too slow for me so I slowly pulled ahead.  I forgot my GPS so I had no idea what sort of pace I was actually running.  At the halfway point I met back up with Matt and ran back with him so I am sure overall I had a negative split.

After I finished I hung out waiting for the girls to get back.  I had asked Ali the night before if she had any interest in going to a game for the arena football team.  After her run she said she would go.  At first she sounded like she wasn’t all that interested in going but when I asked again she said it was a better option than sitting home.  I told her how the tickets were only $7 and we could park for free at the outlet mall next door.  It would be cheap entertainment.

My main task of the day Saturday was to thoroughly clean the SSR.  The inside and outside of it was a mess from the drive to Plant City.

I spent a good two hours thoroughly cleaning the truck.  One of the areas that required extra elbow grease were right behind the passenger side wheel wells where there was rubber residue from the retread I inadvertently drove over. One spot I was able to get off with just soapy water, the other spot required follow up with Goo Gone.

After the clean up I laid down for a much needed 90 minute nap so I wouldn’t be completely dead for the football game.

I headed over to Ali’s early.  I told her I would spring for the pizza and we could catch up on the latest Biggest Loser.  While I was there we took the girls for a long walk around the lake in Ali’s community.  As we walked it started to rain progressively harder but neither of us really cared.

I also brought my clippers with so Ali could repair my self inflicted haircut.  I tried to give myself and straightline across the rear of my head while using a mirror.  Instead I succeeded in giving myself a ridiculous looking jagged edge.

We left probably earlier than we needed to.  By the time we parked at the outlets and walked across to the arena it was 6:30, a full hour before the game was scheduled to start.  We just bought two 7 dollar tickets at the box office, knowing the place would not be very full based on our past arena football experience.

You see Alison and I had season tickets for the first two seasons of the first arena football team in our area, the Florida Firecats, who folded a few years back.  After two seasons of indoor football we sort of knew what to expect.

The new team is called the Florida Tarpons.  They evidently are pretty damn good as so far they are undefeated.

The first thing we did was grab a beer.  I was surprised that Ali ordered a Bud Light as well, she has never been much of a beer drinker at all.  We then walked the around the concourse a bit just to see if there were any significant changes to Germain Arena since we were there last.

We then found our $7 seats which were at the very top row.  Even being up top, the place is small enough that it isn’t a big deal.  Plus I was positive we would be able to easily move down as the game progressed.

I did find myself annoyed that a bunch of people sat down right next to and in front of us.  It seemed ridiculous that they would need to seat people shoulder to shoulder when there were so many empty seats.

So we just hung out in the seats and watched the Tarpons warm up.   Later on the opposing team, the Mississippi Hounddogs came out.  My eyes were immediately drawn in like lasers to number 60. He was not just fat he was SUPER fat.

This dude was so fat that the biggest jersey they had did not fit him.  He had to wear a supersized shirt underneath his jersey to cover his humungous stomach.

Both Ali and I were amazed the guy was even on the field.  The impact on his joints if he tried to run had to be tremendous.  I also pitied any ball carrier that found himself underneath this guy.

It turned out number 60 only played sparingly during the game.  I think we may have seen him in 4 or 5 series tops.  He made zero tackles but he did sort of run around a bit. Ali felt bad when the PA system played the Fat Albert “Hey, hey, hey…” a few times when big boy was on the field.

Well the Tarpons didn’t waste much time showing why they were undefeated, jumping out to a quick lead.  I found it interesting that in arena football you score a point if your kicker can boot the ball through the narrow uprights on a kick off, something the Tarpon kicker did two or three times.  I don’t recall that rule in the other league.

As planned we steadily improved our seat position during the game.  After half time we tried to really get greedy, moving down into the padded seats that include cupholders.  Well unfortunately the old lady seat attendant walked over and asked we had tickets for that section.  I told her we did, just a few rows up.  She said we had to move.

It sort of pissed me off.  Yea I understand we paid for $7 seats and were probably sitting in seats that cost $20 or more but really, who cares?  If these seats are not sold, it isn’t like I am costing the team money by sitting in an unsold seat.

To me, with a new franchise that is trying to build a following, they should tell the seat nazi’s to chill out.  If I am sitting in somebody else’s seat, sure tell me to move.  But in my eyes, moving to an unsold seat is a no harm, no foul situation.  If anything it makes me more likely to attend another game if I know I can improve my seat position with out getting hassled.

The Tarpons set a new standard for ugly mascots. Timmy the Tarpon was just fugly, no two ways about it.

The cheerleaders for the team, “The Reel Girls” were surprisingly good.  They did a number of dance routines that seemed solid.

The Tarpons absolutely smashed the Hound Dogs, winning by a final score of 58-26.  Ali and I ducked out with a little less than 10 minutes to go in the game to beat the traffic.   Ali and I both had a good time overall, the game delivered pretty solid bang for the buck.  I would go again.

I told Ali I had ideas of doing a bike/swim combo Sunday morning however the rainy forecast put it in doubt.  I told her I would let her know in the morning if I was going to do it or not.

Well Sunday mornings weather radar looked bad, rain was definitely coming so we scrapped the plans.  Instead I asked Ali if she wanted me to grab the dogs on my coffee run to take them to the house.  Ali wanted to clean her place thoroughly and having the dogs out of the apartment would make it easier.  She took me up on my offer.

So after picking up the girls we headed back to the house.  I let them immediately out into the back yard.  I can tell they really appreciate being able to roam around leash free now although during our walk at Ali’s place they also seemed quite happy strolling around the lake too.

My main Sunday project was to finally install the new spark plugs and spark plug wires I have had sitting on my workbench for the Tacoma for over a month.  I was sort of putting it off since the truck had been running ok although I know at 138,000 miles and 13 years old, the plugs HAD to be changed.

So I decided Sunday was finally the day.  I moved the SSR over and pulled the front end of the Tacoma into the garage to work on it.  It had been raining off and on for most of the day.

Getting access to the plugs on the passenger side was not bad, I basically just had to remove the hose that runs from the air box to the throttle body.  I was glad I invested in a magnetic spark plug socket.  The plugs sit deep in tubes, the socket was able to grab hold of them easily once I loosened them up.  The tool was equally useful in putting the new plugs in to prevent them from dropping down the hole and damaging the electrodes.

Getting access to the plugs on the driver side was a bit more challenging. I had to remove a few brackets and move some wires.  I was also very fortunate to have bought a swivel extension bar set a couple months go.  If I didn’t have it I am not sure if I could have done the plug by the firewall.

The plug wires were a new experience for me.  The last time I did plugs and wires on a vehicle was probably my 69 Firebird back in the early 90’s.  Back then you had one wire per cylinder. Well with the Tacoma, despite there being 6 cylinders/spark plugs, you only have three wires.

There is no distributor, instead each wire connects to a coil on the other side of the engine.  That coil controls the spark for two plugs.  I almost miswired two of the plugs but luckily realized my error before firing it back up.  I was quite happy that when I turned the key the engine fired right up an ran normally.

When I pulled the old plugs it was confirmed the job was way overdue.  The center electrode on the plugs was worn away from millions of ignition cycles over the years.  I am doing a new mileage test to see if the new plugs and their better spark translates into better mpg.

Later, I hung outside with the dogs several times, walking around the yard and watching them play.

I also watched all Game of Thrones episodes, I am now current except for the latest episode.  I really like the show. Sadie and Nicki slept in the bedroom with me while I watched the shows.

I asked Ali if she wanted to come out to pick up the dogs instead of me dropping them off.  She hadn’t been back to the house since she moved out in early April.  I told her I had some pasta in the freezer I could make.  She accepted the offer.

So when Ali arrived I had already started working on making a salad for dinner, something that used to exclusively be Ali’s duty.  I actually did 100% of the meal prep, it just seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

Ali watched the latest Celeb Apprentice with me while sitting on my new, used, furniture for the first time.  She said the sofa’s were pretty nice and overall she said I did a nice job of arranging things in the house to make up for what was taken out.

When it came time for Ali to leave she was upset which upset me.  It’s hard for her to be leaving like another house guest.  It was hard for me too.

Over the course of the weekend we talked about if us seeing/interacting with each other as much as we have been since we separated is a good thing in the big picture.  If we continue to act like a married couple that simply has two different addresses it probably isn’t the best thing long term. However this is a hard time for both of us and I think we both find comfort in each other’s company.

It’s early yet, we still have a lot of sifting through the trees till clear daylight is ahead.